ESRI ArcGIS Training Catalog

The ESRI ArcGIS Training Catalog is a set of online learning and training resources for ArcGIS users which are free to Tufts University affiliates when you log in through our Tufts Enterprise Account.

There are a large variety of training materials including self-passed tutorials, web courses, training seminars, MOOCs, videos, spatialLabs, instructor-led courses and books. These learning resources are designed to help users learn the entire spectrum of the ArcGIS Platform. Learning resources are available for:

  • ArcMap 10.x
  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Online (AGOL)
  • ArcGIS for Server
  • ArcGIS Enterprise
  • StoryMaps
  • Survey123 & Collector
  • ArcGIS Customizable Apps
  • ArcGIS WebApp Builder
  • Developer
  • Esri CityEngine
  • ArcGIS Business Analyst
  • ArcGIS Desktop Extensions

to the ESRI Training Catalog with Tufts University Credentials

  1. In a web browser, visit
  2. Click on the Sign In box at the top right of the page.
  3. Click on Sign in with Your ArcGIS organization’s URL. Do NOT click sign in with ArcGIS Login

4. Enter tuftsgis as the organizations URL so it looks like the following image. If this is your personal computer, you can check remember this URL and it will be faster next time.

5. You will then be prompted to log in with TUFTS UNIVERSITY. Press the blue Tufts button.

6. Now you will log in with your Tufts UTLN and password. You will need to also go through duo authentication.

7. Press Login.

Recommended Courses

ArcMap Training Materials:

ArcGIS Pro Training Materials:

ArcGIS Online Training Materials