Tag Archives: psychology

Dan Simons and Steve Lindsay

The Bayes Factor
The Bayes Factor
Dan Simons and Steve Lindsay

In this fourth episode Alex interviews two prominent journal editors in psychology, Dan Simons and Steve Lindsay. Dan is professor of Psychology at the university of Illinois and chief editor of Advances in Methods and Practices in psychological science. Steve is professor of psychology at university of Victoria and chief editor at Psychological Science. They discuss their academic histories, the reproducibility crisis from the perspective of journal editors, and their optimism about new initiatives to reform psychological science.


Eric-Jan Wagenmakers

The Bayes Factor
The Bayes Factor
Eric-Jan Wagenmakers

Episode 2: show notes

In this second episode, Alex and JP interview Eric-Jan (E.-J.) Wagenmakers. Among other things, they discuss how E.-J. got into Bayesian statistics, chess addiction, and the P < .005 controversy.
