
Upcoming Events

Monday, September 23rd / 11:45 AM / STC, 4 Colby St , Room 132 / Refreshments Provided

Allison Godwin

Professor of Engineering Education, Cornell University

Past Events

Spring 2024

Anne Baranger

Professor of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley

Trevion Henderson

Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and STEM Education, Tufts University

Title and Abstract Coming Soon

Fall 2023

Ira CaspariGnann

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Tufts University

Hannah Sevian

Professor of Chemistry, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Addressing Equity Asymmetries in General Chemistry Outcomes Through an Asset Based Supplemental Course

Alex Mejia

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering and Bicultural-Bilingual Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio

IRLI Summer Scholars Poster Session

Undergraduate Researchers and Faculty Members present on research conducted during the summer

Friday, September 15, 2023
4:30 – 6:00 PM
Paige Hall, Terrace Room

Spring semester 2023

Steven Jones

Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, Brigham Young University

Alena Moon

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Minjung Ryu

Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Illinois, Chicago

Fall semester 2022

IRLI Summer Scholars Poster Session

Undergraduate Researchers and Faculty Members present on research conducted during the summer

Friday, September 23, 2022
4:30 – 6:00 PM
Paige Hall, Terrace Room

Spring semester 2022

Susan Nolen

Emeritus Professor, University of Washington

Fall semester 2021

Gwen Lawrie

Professor, School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences, University of Queensland

IRLI Summer Scholars

Undergraduate researchers and Tufts faculty mentors

Spring semester 2021

Tim Atherton

Associate Professor, Dept of Physics & Astronomy, Tufts

Peter Levine

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs, Tufts University’s Jonathan Tisch College of Civic Life

Dr. Valerie Otero

Professor, STEM Education, University of Colorado Boulder

Dr. Marilyne Stains

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia

Greses Pérez

PhD Candidate, Science Education and Learning Sciences, Stanford University

Fall semester 2020

Dr. Stephen Secules

Assistant Professor of Engineering Education, Florida International University

Dr. Shuchin Aeron

Associate Professor, ECE, Tufts University

Dr. Julia Gouvea

Associate Professor, Education, Tufts University

Fall semester 2019

Dr. Vicente Talanquer

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Arizona

Tim Atherton

Associate Professor, Tufts University Department of Physics and Astronomy

Physicality, Modeling and Making in a Computational Physics Class

Computation is deeply interwoven with virtually every aspect of contemporary Physics research practice including design of experiments, creation of theory, simulations as well as collection, analysis and visualization of data. In contrast, computational activities in Physics classrooms have tended to focus on coding, problem-solving and simulation. To bridge this gap between pedagogy and practice, we have developed a series of making activities whereby students create physical artifacts from low-cost materials, collect quantitative data describing their motion, build models to predict their behavior and reconcile experiment and theory. Results from our first two trials in a group and project-based Computational Physics class will be presented, showing how this approach enables students to engage in disciplinary practice. An epistemic model of how computation produces knowledges is used both to create the design and analyze student work. Design and implementation advice for instructors interested in adopting similar techniques will be provided.

Full Talk
Talk can also be viewed here, with transcript to the side and chat comments included. Passcode: ?A38V2.7

IRLI Summer Scholars 2021 Poster Session

Carina Carlos with Ira Caspari

Characterizing formative assessment practices of learning assistants (Contact Dr. Caspari for information about this work.)

Audrey McGlothlen, Alec Plano, & Seixas Aldrich with Julia Gouvea, David Hammer, Shuchin Aeron, & Robert Hayes

IRLI Summer Research Projects Poster Presentations