
Our partners at CBS News

The Murrow Center is pleased to launch a partnership with CBS News in honor of Fletcher alumnus Harry Radliffe. Radliffe – the first the first African American to head a CBS News bureau, and a Peabody award-winning 60 MINUTES producer for 26 years – passed away in 2015. The Murrow-CBS partnership will build upon both the storied CBS career of the Center’s namesake, Edward R. Murrow, as well as Radliffe’s many accomplishments and dedication to compelling international reporting.
This year, CBS has pledged their support for The Murrow Center, beginning with an endowed scholarship for students pursuing careers and research centered on our core mission. Details of the scholarship can be found below. The awards will be announced at a special event with CBS News Chairman David Rhodes this November.


The Harry A. Radliffe II/CBS Endowed Scholarship

Applications Currently Accepted at the Fletcher Office of Admissions and Financial Aid

The Fletcher School is pleased to announce The Harry A. Radliffe II/CBS Endowed Scholarship for second year Fletcher students with financial need who are expressly interested in one of the three areas of The Edward R. Murrow Center for a Digital World: news media, public diplomacy and the political, social and cultural impact of cyberspace on international relations. Scholarships in the amount of $5,000 (in addition to any existing Fletcher scholarship aid) will be awarded annually to four Fletcher students after a review of applications by a Fletcher selection committee. Recipients of this scholarship will have a demonstrated interest in one or more of the three research areas of the Murrow Center and a related capstone project. It is expected that the recipients of this scholarship will be actively engaged in Murrow Center activities.

These new scholarships have been made possible by generous contributions from CBS, which was the longtime home of Edward R. Murrow, and by the estate of Harry A. Radliffe, F’73, a former London bureau chief and legendary producer of international news at CBS News and Sixty Minutes. The first recipients will be honored during Spring 2017 in a speech at Fletcher by CBS News Chairman David Rhodes.

The Fletcher Office of Admissions and Financial Aid will announce a call for applications on an annual basis. Please contact Laurie Hurley, Associate Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, with any questions regarding this scholarship.