CV | Email | LinkedIn | Google Scholar | ResearchGate | ORCID
• PhD Candidate, 2022, Nutrition Epidemiology and Data Science, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University
• MS, 2019, Nutrition Epidemiology and Data Science, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University
• BA, 2017, Global Affairs: International Development, Yale University
• BA, 2017, Environmental Engineering: Urban Agriculture, Yale University
Research Interests
• Designing analytical workflows to inform data’s end-to-end usage from extraction to visualizations; transforming data into actionable recommendations
• Creating and evaluating data quality, usability, and completeness metrics – assessing their effect on statistical models/forecasts
• Applying time series methods to describe, explain, and predict periodic and aperiodic infectious disease trends and outbreak signatures
Research Highlights
Zhou B, Liang S, Monahan KM, Singh GM, Simpson RB, Reedy J, Zhang J, DeVane A, Cruz MS, Marshak A, Mozaffarian D, Wang D, Semenova I, Roura IM, Prozorovscaia D, Naumova EN. Food and nutrition systems dashboards: A systematic review. Adv Nutr. (2022) https://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmac022
Simpson RB, Kulinkina AV, Naumova EN. Investigating seasonal patterns in enteric infections: a systematic review of time series methods. Epidemiol Infect 150, e50, 1-25 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268822000243
Simpson RB, Zhou B, Alarcon Falconi TM, Naumova EN. An analecta of visualizations for foodborne illness trends and seasonality. Sci Data 7, 346 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00677-x
Simpson RB, Zhou B, Naumova EN. Seasonal synchronization of foodborne outbreaks in the United States, 1996–2017. Sci Rep 10, 17500 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-74435-9
Simpson RB, Alarcon Falconi TM, Venkat A, Chui KHH, Navidad J, Naumov YN, Gorski J, Bhattacharyya S, Naumova EN. Incorporating calendar effects to predict influenza seasonality in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Epidemiol Infect 147, E268 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268819001511
Simpson RB, Lauren BN, Schipper KH, McCann JC, Tarnas MC, Naumova EN. Critical periods, critical time points and day-of-the-week effects in COVID-19 surveillance data: an example in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19, 1321 (2022) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031321
Zhang Y, Simpson RB, Sallade LE, Sanchez E, Monahan KM, Naumova EN. Evaluating completeness of foodborne outbreak reporting in the United States, 1998-2019. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19, 2898 (2022) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052898
Simpson RB, Gottlieb J, Zhou B, Hartwick MA, Naumova EN. Completeness of open access FluNet influenza surveillance data for Pan-America in 2005-2019. Sci Rep 11, 795 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-80842-9
Simpson RB, Babool S, Tarnas MC, Kaminski PM, Hartwick MA, Naumova EN. Signatures of cholera outbreak during the Yemeni Civil War, 2016-2019. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19, 378 (2022) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19010378

Simpson RB, Babool S, Tarnas MC, Kaminski PM, Hartwick MA, Naumova EN. Dynamic mapping of cholera spread and conflict severity during the Yemeni Civil War, 2016-2019. J Public Health Policy. Accepted.
Sanchez E, Gelfand AR, Perkins MD, Tarnas MC, Simpson RB, McGee JA, Naumova EN. Providing food and nutrition services during the COVID-19 surge at the Javits New York Medical Station. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18, 7430 (2021) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18147430
Taylor S, Korpusik M, Das S, Gilhooly C, Simpson RB, Glass J, Roberts S. Use of Natural Spoken Language with automated mapping of self-reported food intake to food composition data for low-burden real-time dietary assessment: Method comparison study. J Med Internet Res 23, e26988 (2021) https://doi.org/10.2196/26988
Research Grants
NSF SOLSTICE Grant. Tufts University, October 2019 – Present. Principal Investigator: Dr. Elena N. Naumova. My Role: Research Coordinator & Scientist; I was involved in the drafting of documents related to this grant, communications with faculty and students, and IRB consent.
Data Intensive Studies Center (DISC) Seed Grant. Tufts University, May 2020 – May 2021. Principal Investigator: Dr. Elena N. Naumova. My Role: Research Coordinator & Scientist; I collaborated with Dr. Naumova in during the drafting of this grant. I am also involved in organizing and coordinating research projects with graduate students participating in this grant.
NSF IRES Track I Grant. Tufts University, October 2018 – August 2021. Principal Investigator: Dr. Elena N. Naumova. My Role: Research Coordinator & Scientist; I was involved in the development, drafting, and editing of templates for students to conduct research as well as report preparation and publications.
IARPA Federal Grant. Tufts University, October 2017 – March 2020. Principal Investigator: Dr. Elena N. Naumova. My Role: Research Coordinator & Scientist; I was involved in the developing, drafting, editing, and submission of weekly responses related to the grant as well as report preparation and publications.
Student Travel / Research Fellowships
National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Tufts University, March 2020 – Present. Principal Investigator: Dr. Elena N. Naumova. My Role: Recipient.
Tufts University, Tufts Institute of Environment (TIE). Environmental Research Fellowship. January 2020. Fellow – Funded. I wrote and prepared this grant on behalf of our research team. This grant supports one year of research on topics related to coastal resilience and vulnerability as well as the intersection between public health, nutrition, and the environment.
Tufts University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. Graduate Education Teacher Training (GETT). January 2020. Fellow - Cancelled: I wrote and prepared this grant to provide educational training for a possible future career in education.
Analytics Without Borders 2020 Conference Fundraising Activities
Tufts University, Friedman School Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. School Student Council. Funded: $700.00. November 2019. I wrote, prepared, and submitted this grant for funding conference operations.
Tufts University. Tufts Institute of Environment (TIE). Funded: $1000.00. December 2019. I wrote, prepared, and submitted this grant for funding conference operations.
American Statistical Association (ASA). Strategic Initiative Grant. Funded: $1100.00. February 2020. I wrote, prepared, and submitted this grant for funding conference operations.
Tufts University, Office of the Vice Provost. Data Intensive Studies Center. Funded: $1250.00. March 2020. I wrote, prepared, and submitted this grant for funding conference operations.
Published Manuscripts
- Zhang Y, Simpson RB, Sallade LE, Sanchez E, Monahan KM, Naumova EN. Evaluating completeness of foodborne outbreak reporting in the United States, 1998-2019. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19, 2898 (2022) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052898.
- Zhou B, Liang S, Monahan KM, Singh GM, Simpson RB, Reedy J, Zhang J, DeVane A, Cruz MS, Marshak A, Mozaffarian D, Wang D, Semenova I, Roura IM, Prozorovscaia D, Naumova EN. Food and nutrition systems dashboards: A systematic review. Adv Nutr. Accepted.
- Simpson RB, Babool S, Tarnas MC, Kaminski PM, Hartwick MA, Naumova EN. Dynamic mapping of cholera spread and conflict severity during the Yemeni Civil War, 2016-2019. J Public Health Policy. Accepted.
- Simpson RB, Kulinkina AV, Naumova EN. Investigating seasonal patterns in enteric infections: a systematic review of time series methods. Epidemiol Infect , 1-25 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268822000243
- Simpson RB, Lauren BN, Schipper KH, McCann JC, Tarnas MC, Naumova EN. Critical periods, critical time points and day-of-the-week effects in COVID-19 surveillance data: an example in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19, 1321 (2022) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031321
- Simpson RB, Babool S, Tarnas MC, Kaminski PM, Hartwick MA, Naumova EN. Signatures of cholera outbreak during the Yemeni Civil War, 2016-2019. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19, 378 (2022) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19010378
- Taylor S, Korpusik M, Das S, Gilhooly C, Simpson RB, Glass J, Roberts S. Use of Natural Spoken Language with automated mapping of self-reported food intake to food composition data for low-burden real-time dietary assessment: Method comparison study. J Med Internet Res, 23, e26988 (2021) https://doi.org/10.2196/26988
- Sanchez E, Gelfand AR, Perkins MD, Tarnas MC, Simpson RB, McGee JA, Naumova EN. Providing food and nutrition services during the COVID-19 surge at the Javits New York Medical Station. Int J Environ Res Public Health 18, 7430 (2021) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18147430
- Simpson RB, Gottlieb J, Zhou B, Hartwick MA, Naumova EN. Completeness of open access FluNet influenza surveillance data for Pan-America in 2005-2019. Sci Rep 11, 795 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-80842-9
- Simpson RB, Zhou B, Alarcon Falconi TM, Naumova EN.An analecta of visualizations for foodborne illness trends and seasonality. Sci Data 7, 346 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-00677-x
- Simpson RB, Zhou B, Naumova EN. Seasonal synchronization of foodborne outbreaks in the United States, 1996–2017. Sci Rep10, 17500 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-74435-9
- Simpson RB, Alarcon Falconi TM, Venkat A, Chui KHH, Navidad J, Naumov YN, Gorski J, Bhattacharyya S, Naumova EN. Incorporating calendar effects to predict influenza seasonality in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Epidemiol Infect 147, E268 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1017/S0950268819001511
Manuscripts Under Review
- Simpson RB, Gottlieb J, Zhou B, Liang S, Jiang X, Hartwick MA, Naumova EN. Navigating global public influenza surveillance systems for reliable forecasting. In Integrated Science of Global Epidemics. Springer.
- Sanchez E, Simpson RB, Zhang Y, Sallade LE, Naumova EN. Exploring risk factors of recall-associated foodborne disease outbreaks in the United States, 1998-2019. Preparing for Epidemiol Infect.
- Naumova EN, Simpson RB, Hartwick MA. The use of longitudinal analysis to reveal the global seasonal and pandemic patterns in influenza. Preparing for Int Stat Rev.
Manuscripts in Preparation
- Simpson RB, Sallade LE, Sanchez E, Kulinkina AV, Naumova EN. Foodborne outbreak severity index: an example using the US National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS), 2009-2019. Epidemiol Infect.
- Simpson RB, Kulinkina AV, Ordovas JM, Ona F, Naumova EN. Metrics for evaluating the usability of publicly reported time series data: An example using FluNet. Preparing for Lancet Global Health.
Published Abstracts
- Dou Z, Simpson RB, Sallade LE, Zhang Y, Leonberg K, Sanchez E, Zhou B, Naumova EN. Seasonal Associations Between Foodborne Campylobacter Infections and Ambient Temperature in US, 2010–2019. Current Developments in Nutrition, 5(Supplement_2), 85-85 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzab060_003.
- Anyanwu O, Simpson RB, Langlois B, Naumova EN. Demographic and Psychosocial Correlates of Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration in Indonesia. Current Developments in Nutrition, 4(Supplement_2), 935-935 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa054_007
- Langlois B, Simpson RB, Anyanwu O, Marsh E, Taylor S, Naumova EN. Evaluating Indirect Impacts of Climate Change on Fishing and Farm Productivity Using the Indonesian Family Life Survey: An Example Exploring Natural Disasters and Migration. Current Developments in Nutrition, 4(Supplement_2), 141-141 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa042_006
- Simpson RB, Naumova EN. Associations Between Peaks of Foodborne Infections and Food Recalls. Current Developments in Nutrition, 4(Supplement_2), 1488-1488 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa061_116
- Taylor S, Fisher K, Simpson RB, Naumova EN. Assessment of Adult Weight Status by Body Mass index (BMI) and the Association with Socio-Demographic Factors and Commonly Eaten Foods in Indonesia Between 2014–2015. Current Developments in Nutrition, 4(Supplement_2), 729-729 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/cdn/nzaa051_026
- Simpson RB, Venkat A, Alarcon T, Chui K, Naumov Y, Gorski J, Bhattacharyya S, Naumova EN. Calendar effects to forecast influenza seasonality: A case study in Milwaukee, WI. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics11, e231 (2019) https://doi.org/10.5210/ojphi.v11i1.9739
Oral Presentations
- Simpson RB, Sallade LE, Sanchez E, Zhang Y, Naumova EN (2022). Analyzing foodborne illness outbreak severity in the United States, 2009-2019. 2022 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Virtual.
- Zhang Y, Simpson RB, Monahan KM, Sallade LE, Sanchez E, Naumova EN (2022). Evaluating foodborne outbreak data completeness in the United States, 1998-2019. 2022 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Virtual.
- Simpson RB, Langlois B, Carroll DA, Hartwick MA, Chatterji N, Stotland T, Murwani R, Ambariyanto A, Naumova EN (2020). Coastal flooding vulnerability and COVID-19 outbreak severity: An example from Semarang, Indonesia. 7th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development 2020. Virtual.
- Simpson RB (2020 - Cancelled). An association between peaks of foodborne infections and food recalls. Tufts Friedman Student Research Conference. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. Boston, MA.
- Simpson RB, Venkat A, Zhou B, Naumova EN (2019). Synchronization of Foodborne Disease Seasonality. Symposium on Networks in Food Systems & Nutrition. University of Vermont. Burlington, VT.
- Simpson RB, Zhou B, Naumova EN (2019). Foodborne Infections: Methods for Characterizing Seasonality. Analytics Without Borders Conference. Bryant University. Providence, RI.
- Zhou B, Simpson RB, Naumova EN (2019). Visualizing Disease Seasonality: Challenges and Solutions. Analytics Without Borders Conference. Bryant University. Providence, RI.
- Simpson RB, Venkat A, Marshak A, Naumova EN (2018). Techniques for Forecasting Infectious and Foodborne Diseases. Global Health Weekly Seminar. Tufts University School of Medicine. Boston, MA.
- Simpson RB, Venkat A, Marshak A, Alarcon Falconi TM, Naumova EN (2018). Calendar Effects and Influenza: Lessons from Milwaukee, WI. 2018 WinterBoston Chapter Meeting. American Statistics Association. Boston, MA.
Poster Presentations
- Simpson RB, Kulinkina AV, Naumova EN (2022). Investigating seasonal patterns in enteric infections: A systematic review of time series methods. 2022 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Virtual.
- Sanchez E, Simpson RB, Zhang Y, Sallade LE, Naumova EN (2022). An examination of recall-associated outbreaks in the United States, 2009-2019. 2022 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Virtual.
- Langlois BK, Beaulac L, Berry K, Simpson RB, Messeroux T, Lan J, Coughlan de Perez E, Naumova EN (2022). Placing health and economic survey data into a climate change vulnerability framework in Indonesia: Exploring factors related to severe impacts from disasters in the Indonesian Family Life Survey. 2022 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Virtual.
- Simpson RB, Naumova EN (2021). Evaluating the quantity and integrity of publicly reported time-referenced disease surveillance data: an example using the World Health Organization’s FluNet in 1995-2021. 8th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics. Elsevier. Virtual.
- Schipper KH, Larson AL, Simpson RB, Bell CH, McCann JC, Tarnas MC, Naumova EN (2021). Dynamic mapping of COVID-19 cases in the United States. 8th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics. Elsevier. Virtual.
- Schipper KH, Simpson RB, Larson AL, Bell CH, McCann JC, Tarnas MC, Naumova EN (2021). Investigation of public health interventions on COVID-19 health outcomes in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. 8th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics. Elsevier. Virtual.
- Simpson RB, McCann JC, El-Abbadi NH, Tarnas MC, Ronan AB, Bell CH, Wang H, Yang M, Pei X, Fan Z, Chui KKH, Nguyen KH, Naumova EN (2021). Investigation of COVID-19 vaccination status and hesitancy in the United States using the Household Pulse Survey (HPS) in January-May 2021. 8th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics. Elsevier. Virtual.
- El-Abbadi NH, Simpson RB, Tarnas MC, Ronan AB, Fan Z, Yang M, Pei X, McCann JC, Bell CH, Wang H, Chui KKH, Nguyen KH, Naumova EN (2021). Evaluating food security throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Food Insecurity, Neighborhood Food Environment, and Nutrition Health Disparities: State of Science Workshop. National Institutes of Health. Virtual.
- Sanchez E, Gelfand AR, Perkins MD, Tarnas MC, Simpson RB, McGee JA, Naumova EN. Providing food and nutrition operations during COVID-19: Lessons learned from the Javits New York Medical Station. Military Health System Research Symposium. US Army MEDCOM-USAMRMC. Virtual.
- Schipper K, Simpson RB, Liang S, Naumova EN (2021). An analysis of COVID day-of-the-week effects: The drawbacks of real-time infectious disease data collection and reporting. 2021 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Virtual.
- Sanchez E, Simpson RB, Sallade L, Dou Z, Naumova EN (2021). Exploring the burden for food recalls in the United States between 2009-2019. 2021 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Virtual.
- Sallade L, Sanchez E, Leonberg K, Zhou B, Dou Z, Zhang Y, Simpson RB, Naumova EN (2021). Analyzing trends in severity of foodborne illness outbreaks using the US National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS), 2009-2017. 2021 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Virtual.
- Dou Z, Simpson RB, Zhang Y, Sanchez E, Leonberg K, Zhou B, Naumova EN (2021). Seasonal synchronization between ambient temperature and Campylobacter infection, 2010-19. 2021 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Virtual.
- Langlois BK, Chatterji N, Stotland T, Simpson RB, Carroll DA, Murwani R, Ambariyanto A, Naumova EN (2020). An index for exploring vulnerability due to flooding in Central Java using principal component analysis. 7th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development 2020.
- Stotland T, Langlois BK, Chatterji N, Simpson RB, Carroll DA, Murwani R, Ambariyanto A, Naumova EN (2020). A kernel density and space-time analysis of flood events in Indonesia from 1985-2019. 7th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development 2020.
- Carroll DA, Chatterji N, Langlois BK, Simpson RB, Hartwick MA, Stotland T, Ambariyanto A, Naumova EN (2020). Change in mangrove extent and ties to fisheries sustainability and coastal flooding vulnerability: an assessment of available methodologies. 7th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development 2020.
- Anyanwu OA, Chui KKH, Zhang FF, Chomitz VR, Langlois BK, Simpson RB, Ambariyanto A, Murwani R, Folta SC, Naumova EN (2020). Socio-demographic, behavioral, and health determinants of higher consumption western dietary patterns among Indonesians 15 years and older in the IFLS 5. 7th International Conference on Tropical and Coastal Region Eco Development 2020. Virtual.
- Naumova EN, Simpson RB, Hartwick MA, Venkat A, Bosch I, Bhattacharya S, Patra A (2020). COVID-19 Pandemic Signatures: Estimating the Onset Time with Kolmogorov-Zurbenko Adaptive Filter. Tenth International Conference on Complex Systems. Virtual.
- Langlois B, Simpson RB, Anyanwu O, Marsh E, Taylor S, Naumova EN. (2020 – Cancelled). Using the Indonesian Family Life Survey to Evaluate the Indirect Impacts of Climate Variations on Fishery and Farm Productivity: An Example Exploring Natural Disasters and Migration. ASN 2020 Conference. American Society of Nutrition. Seattle, WA.
- Fisher K, Taylor S, Simpson RB, Naumova EN. (2020 – Cancelled). Assessment of adult weight status by body mass index (BMI) and the association with socio-demographic factors and commonly eaten foods in Indonesia between 2014-2015. ASN 2020 Conference. American Society of Nutrition. Seattle, WA.
- Simpson RB, Naumova EN. (2020 – Cancelled). An association between peaks of foodborne infections and food recalls. ASN 2020 Conference. American Society of Nutrition. Seattle, WA.
- Anyanwu O, Simpson RB, Langlois B, Naumova EN. (2020 – Cancelled). Demographic and Psychosocial Correlates of Exclusive Breastfeeding Duration in Indonesia. ASN 2020 Conference. American Society of Nutrition. Seattle, WA.
- Simpson RB, Babool S, Tarnas M, Kaminski PM, Naumova EN. (2020 – Cancelled). Intentionally Broken Barriers and Cascading Risks of Cholera Spread in Yemen from 2016-18. 2020 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Washington, DC.
- Babool S, Tarnas M, Simpson RB, Kaminski PM, Naumova EN. (2020 – Cancelled). Understanding of the Cholera Outbreak Patterns in Yemen's Governances during the Civil War, 2016-2018. 2020 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Washington, DC.
- Tarnas M, Babool S, Simpson RB, Kaminski PM, Naumova EN. (2020 – Cancelled). Risks of Cholera Transmission Amplified by the War Conflicts in Yemen, 2016-2018. 2020 Annual CUGH Global Health Conference. Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Washington, DC.
- Simpson RB, Zhou B, Babool S, Naumova EN. (2019). Foodborne Outbreak Calendar Synchronization: A Time Series Analysis Application. 7thInternational Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics. Elsevier. Charleston, SC.
- Simpson RB, Zhou B, Naumova EN. (2019). Visualizing Disease Seasonality: Comparisons Across Space and Time. 17thAnnual Freeman Symposium on Infectious Diseases. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA.
- Simpson RB, Zhou B, Naumova EN. (2019). Seasonality of Foodborne Infections: The Relationship Between Peak Timing and Amplitude. 17thAnnual Freeman Symposium on Infectious Diseases. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA.
- Venkat A, Simpson RB, Marshak A, Naumova EN. (2019). Complex Decision-Making Rules for Famine Forecasting. 17thAnnual Freeman Symposium on Infectious Diseases. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA.
- Simpson RB, Waskow A, Venkat A, Zhou B, Naumova, EN. (2019). Foodborne Outbreak Calendar: Applications of Time Series. International Conference on Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology. Boston, MA.
- Simpson RB, Venkat A, Zhou B, Naumova EN. (2019). Forecasting Influenza in Data-Rich and Data-Sparse Environments: Applications of Triangulating Disease Seasonal Patterns. International Conference on Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology. Boston, MA.
- Venkat A, Marshak A, Simpson RB, Naumova EN. (2019). Global Evidence on the Seasonality of Enteric Infections, Undernutrition, and Livestock Ownership. International Conference on Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology. Boston, MA.
- Simpson RB, Alarcon Falconi TM,Venkat A, Chui KH, Navidad J, Naumov YN, Bhattacharyya S, Naumova EN. (2019). Incorporating Calendar Effects to Predict Influenza Seasonality: A Case Study in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (2004-2009). 2019 ISDS Annual Conference. International Society for Disease Surveillance Conference. San Diego, CA.
- Simpson RB, Venkat A, Marshak A, Naumova EN. (2018). Exploring Calendar Effects on Influenza. 16thAnnual Freeman Symposium on Infectious Diseases. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA.
- Venkat A, Simpson RB, Marshak A, Naumova EN. (2018). Signature Forecasting for Infectious Disease: A Comparative Study of WHO FluNet Records. 2018 New England Statistics Symposium. New England Statistics Society. Amherst, MA.
- Venkat A, Simpson RB, Naumova EN. (2017). With Great Data Comes Great Responsibility: Big Data Applications for Forecasting Complex Events. Tufts Data Intensive Studies Center (DISC) Fall Symposium. Tufts University. Medford, MA.
Co-Chair, Tufts Research and Data Symposium for Food and Nutrition 2022 Conference
March 2022
- Aimed at exploring diverse perspectives in nutrition and public health fields to create multicultural, intergenerational, and interdisciplinary solutions to tackle complex emerging and existing nutrition challenges
- Organized a variety of data science workshops focused on novel applications of data science and analytics in the professions of recent alumni working in both public and private sector industries
- Created and maintained conference website: https://sites.tufts.edu/friedmanresearchsymposium/
Co-Chair, Tufts Research and Data Symposium for Food and Nutrition 2021 Conference
March 2021
- A joint conference initiative that integrated previous conference efforts to improve the skills development of data sciences to nutrition students and opportunities for students to present nutrition-related, data-driven research
- Aimed at encouraging data science and analytics communications by nutrition students through careful attention to the means and modes by which they communicate research methods and results
- Organized a variety of data science workshops focused on refining introductory, intermediary, and advanced technical skills in data cleaning, manipulation, analyses, and visualizations
- Created and maintained conference website: https://sites.tufts.edu/friedmanresearchsymposium/about/
President-Emeritus, Tufts Chapter of the American Statistical Association
September 2019 – May 2020
- Revived the graduate chapter with the aims of building a collaborative data-centric community across Tufts University, facilitate connections between students and faculty for research projects, and refine students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards completing data science and statistical works
- Organized and lead various student workshops teaching introductory, intermediary, and advanced topics in statistics including interpretation of regression output, handling missing data, and time series methods
- Assisted in organizing student meetings and conference events with invited faculty to discuss topics, research, and professional opportunities for students in data science
- Created and maintained conference website: https://sites.tufts.edu/asatufts/
Co-Chair, Tufts Analytics Without Borders 2020 Conference
February 2020
- A forum for students, researchers, academics, business professionals, and government officials to share, discuss, and explore data analytics in collaboration with Bentley and Bryant Universities
- Aimed at promoting transdisciplinary research, broadening interdisciplinary collaboration, and encourage clear, effective data analytics communications
- Managed conference budget including the ascertaining of all conference monies via four grants: Tufts Institute of Environment Event Sponsorship, Tufts Friedman School Student Council Event Sponsorship, Data Intensive Studies Center Event Sponsorship, and American Statistical Association Strategic Initiative Grant
- Attended by over 200 students, from 15 universities from across the world with ~40 guest speakers and over 20 conference sessions over the 1.5-day conference
- Created and maintained conference website: https://sites.tufts.edu/naumovalabs/tawb2020/
Co-Chair, Nutrition Data Summit
October 2018
- The inaugural event for increasing awareness of the importance for integrating data sciences in the field of nutrition and public health research
- Incorporated interactive technical training workshops, oral research presentations, panel discussions on applied data sciences in nutrition, nutrition data science career panels, and a humanitarian food crisis simulation
- Managed conference budget including the ascertaining of over 50% of conference budget via two grants: Tufts Institute of Environment Event Sponsorship and Tufts Friedman School Student Council Event Sponsorship
- Attended by over 150 students from 10 universities from across the New England region with ~30 speakers and over 20 session spanning the 2.5-day conference. See more at https://nutrition.tufts.edu/event/2018-10-04/nutrition-data-summit
- American Society of Nutrition 2020 Conference. Featured abstract “An association between peaks of foodborne infections and food recalls” for News Brief. This article was circulated in the following:
- https://meeting.nutrition.org/general-information/newsroom/
- https://smenews.org/researchers-identify-seasonal-peaks-for-foodborne-infections/
- https://www.newsbreak.com/news/1577046893280/researchers-identify-seasonal-peaks-for-foodborne-infections
- https://www.newfoodmagazine.com/news/111577/researchers-identify-seasonal-peaks-for-foodborne-infections/
- https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-06-seasonal-peaks-foodborne-infections.html
- https://foodpoisoningbulletin.com/2020/researchers-identify-seasonal-peaks-for-foodborne-illness-outbreaks/
- https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-06/asfn-ris052720.php
- https://chef-solutions.com/researchers-identify-seasonal-peaks-for-foodborne-infections/
- Joan M. Bergstrom Student Award for Excellence in Global Nutrition, Tufts University, May 2019
- Friedman Nutrition School Scholarship, Tufts University, October 2018-May 2019
- Recognition, Top 4 Under 30 Graduates, Buckingham Browne and Nichols, October 2018
- Patent Holder, United States Provisional Patent US 62/488,262, June 2017 – June 2019
- NUTR-0394, Advanced Data Analysis. Instructor(s): Elena Naumova. Graduate-Level. Tufts University, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. Teaching Assistant (Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021)
- NUTR-0393, Data Visualizations and Effective Communication. Instructor(s): Elena Naumova and Corby Kummer. Graduate-Level. Tufts University, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. Teaching Assistant (Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022)
- NUTB-0350, Statistical Methods for Health Professionals II. Instructor(s): Lynne Ausman and Naglaa El-Abbadi. Graduate-Level. Tufts University, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. Residency Week Teaching Assistant (Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022).
- NUTB-0250, Statistical Methods for Health Professionals I. Instructor(s): Lynne Ausman and Naglaa El-Abbadi. Graduate-Level. Tufts University, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. Residency Week Teaching Assistant (Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021).
- Tufts University DataLab Assistant. Coordinator(s): Carolyn Talmadge, Kyle Monahan. Faculty, Doctoral, Graduate, and Undergraduate Levels. Tufts University. Statistics Tutor (Fall 2018 – Present)
- Community Health Program. Coordinator(s): Shalini Tendulkar. Undergraduate-Level. Tufts University, School of Arts and Sciences. Statistics Tutor (Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019)
Academic Journal Reviewer
- PlOS One
- Scientific Reports
- Eurosurveillance
- BMJ Open
- Journal of Public Health Policy
- Climate Change
- Urena-Castro K, Avila S, Gutierrez M, Naumova EN, Ulloa-Gutierrez R, More-Guevara A. Seasonality of Rotavirus Hospitalizations at Costa Rica’s National Children’s Hospital in 2010-2015. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), 16(13), 2321 (2019) https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16132321
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Analytical: Expertise in data analysis throughout the entire data lifecycle including the extraction of publicly available data, data manipulation/cleaning, data management, developing data codebooks, assessing data quality/integrity, handling missing data, forming research questions/specific aims, abstract development, analytical methods, summary table creation, and data visualization development
Statistics: Basic to advanced topics including simple comparisons (e.g., t-tests, Mann-Whitney rank-sum tests, chi-squared tests), associations (e.g., Pearson and Spearman correlations), regression analyses (linear, logistic, multinomial, multivariate, Poisson/Negative Binomial, mixed-effects, change point, harmonics), modeling diagnostics (regression assumptions, case influential observations, confounding, interaction), repeated measures analyses, epidemiological analyses (e.g., matching, nested case-control), and time series analysis (e.g., longitudinal trends, estimation of seasonality features, forecasting)
Scientific communication: Data visualization for scientific publications, conference presentations, and general audience specifically related to assessments of trends, seasonality, and seasonality features; active Academic Journal Reviewer for BMJ Open and Journal of Public Health Policy
Software: R, STATA, SAS, Tableau, Publisher, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, WordPress
Languages: Intermediate in Arabic and Chinese