Getting Started

About the Resource Repository

PALADIN has developed this repository of publicly available resources to help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of PAG-Industry Collaborations. The repository is intended to house best-in-class knowledge sharing—such as tools, templates, case studies, articles, white papers, etc.—to assist in establishing and maintaining effective collaborative relationships.

Representatives within the 20+ participating PALADIN Consortium members have gathered over 150 foundational resources, tools and templates utilized in their successful collaborations. Over the next year, our goal is to grow this repository and support the uptake of best practices within the broader PAG and Industry communities.


The repository has 40+ filters that can be utilized to find what you are looking for. Use the dropdown on the left-hand side to browse through different categories such as Audience, Resource Type, and others. Click ‘View’ on a result title to read a brief overview and access the full resource.

About the Playbook

PALADIN aims to address the growing but uneven collaboration between patient advocacy groups and industry in patient-informed medicines development. By offering a centralized resource of best-in-class standards, templates, and recommendations, the consortium seeks to:

  • Enhance understanding of processes, objectives, and priorities.
  • Standardize contractual and fair market value practices
  • Increase transparency in governance, training, and operational support
  • Clarify funding requests and delivery cycles
  • Foster early communication for better planning and alignment of resources

The Playbook will help streamline collaborations, making them more efficient and impactful.


The Playbook is broken up into eight sections, starting with the ‘Background’ page. Use the righthand navigation bar to toggle between sections. Throughout the playbook, there are different resources mentioned and recommended for use. These are all hyperlinked and will open in the repository when clicked on for easy use. The playbook navigation bar also has a ‘Downloads’ section with recommended one pagers to view, as well as a quick link to the full repository.