Tag Archives: graduate education

Where did holders of German Chairs in Greek, Latin, Ancient History and Classical Archaeology get their PhDs?

As a by-product to a larger study of Greco-Roman studies in Germany and the United States, I have published some figures on where faculty from ranked PhD-granting departments got their PhDs. Continue reading

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Update: Where did faculty in US Classics Departments with top-ranked graduate programs get their own PhDs?

On June 11, we published a discussion of the programs from which the top ten departments in a particular ranking of Classics PhD programs chose their faculty. We here publish an analysis based on all thirty-one departments in that ranking. We have sorted the results based upon numbers of assistant professors — this reflects activity over the past decade or so (if we consider both the PhD training itself and the period that assistant professors have served). Continue reading

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Where did faculty in US Classics Departments with top-ranked graduate programs get their own PhDs?

Programs would do well to pay close attention to the ways in which the new graduate program at the Institute for Study of the Ancient World had begun developing a broader view of the ancient world and including new digital methodologies in the research that they support [.] Continue reading

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