Fleisher is seeking a Teen Lounge Coordinator to oversee and coordinate the Teen Lounge program. The position is offered to people interested in arts education and gaining experience in program design and management. The Teen Lounge Coordinator will oversee and coordinate the activities of the Teen Lounge and will be primarily responsible, along with the participants of the Teen Lounge, for developing a program that reflects the artistic interests of the youth participants and allows for the development of their leadership and social skills. Under the supervision of the Children and Youth Program Manager the Teen Lounge Coordinator will support the youth participants in the development of a program structure that is welcoming, productive and nuturing for young people interested in the visual arts. The Teen Lounge Coordinator should be available from 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays. An additional 10 hours during the week are designated to coordinate visiting artists, meet with the program manager, other faculty, attend SEPC community meetings, recruit and plan Fleisher teen events such as Fleisher’s Ella King Torrey award, the Teen Lounge open mic nights and Public Intervention projects. The position also includes 1 week of paid time off. The teen lounge dates and schedule to be determined.
Manage and Execute Teen Lounge Activities (65%)
o Develop, implement, and guide all facets of the Teen Lounge
o Schedule all Teen Lounge workshops and support all visiting teaching artists scheduling facilities and securing supplies for workshop days.
o Incorporate latecomers into teaching artist workshops without disrupting class; catch up newcomers and teens who have missed previous classes
o Plan and execute sessions on Mondays for teen participants, gathering and using feedback and suggestions from teens. These sessions may include activities not limited to art making, i.e. having invited speakers, taking field trips to galleries in the area, etc.
o Maintain a well-informed, working knowledge of the activities and services available at Fleisher, as well as other youth programming within the Southeast Philadelphia Collaborative and around the city.
o Along with Fleisher staff, serve as an advocate for Teen Lounge participants; communicate with Program Manager and staff about Teen Lounge activities to insure a positive experience for Teen Lounge participants.
o Organize periodic meeting time with Teen Lounge participants to develop and assess Teen Lounge programming, to determine the satisfaction of participants with the programming.
• Perform Administrative Duties (20%)
o With the Program Associate monitor and record weekly attendance of Teen Lounge participants; ensure accurate reporting of program attendance and periodically prepare reports of Teen Lounge activities as required. Prepare student intake forms.
o Prepare monthly Teen Lounge activities calendar and flyer, keep updated on shared C&Y calendar
o Promote visiting artist RFP; collect and process applications for teen Proposal Review, an event at which artist applicants present their projects to teens, who then vote on their favorite projects to implement in the upcoming season.
o Schedule in-person “Proposal Review Fair” when artists present their workshop proposal to teens; mediate teen voting/selection process following fair; schedule visiting artists and maintain workshop calendar.
o Assist in collecting Teen Lounge data.
o Maintain an information board in Teen Lounge that includes any announcements and information about activities in which Teen Lounge participants may participate.
o Attend SEPC community meetings and city youth events.
• Coordinate Program Wide Teen special events (15%)
o Coordinate Fleisher’s collaborative projects with Children and Youth Program Manager and partner Teen Lounges in the Southeast Philadelphia Collaborative.
o Coordinate the Ella King Torrey prize process: recruit teen applicants from Teen Lounge and Saturday program, provide support and mentorship for applicants in collaboration with Exhibitions coordinator.
o Coordinate “Free Spirit” open mic event, reaching out to other youth programs and professional feature performers, and selecting interested Teen Lounge participants to serve as event managers/leaders.
o Recruit, interview and help select teen internship students and provide orientation and regular check in with summer teen internship
1. Prior experience developing and implementing arts-based programming with and for 13- 18 years old, group management and administrative support
2. Commitment to the arts, art education, and young people
3. Ability to communicate thoughtfully and clearly with audiences of diverse ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities; superb writing and verbal skills
4. Creative, hard-working, extremely organized, and efficient.
5. Ability to work independently in a mature, self-directed manner
6. Strong sense of accountability with a “can-do” attitude
7. Professional demeanor, especially under pressure. Strong attention to detail and ability to work accurately under deadline
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