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Program Coordinator of the Teen Curator Program [Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, NYC]

The Schomburg Center was recently awarded a 5-year grant from The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation to launch the Teen Curator Program aimed at using arts education to increase the historical and cultural literacy of teenagers and promote their artistic, intellectual and professional engagement.

Building on the Schomburg Education Department’s thirteen years of success with the Schomburg Junior Scholars Program – teaching historical literacy, arts, and culture to 125 middle and high school students annually – the Schomburg Teen Curators Program will expand the audience of youth served in out-of-school time (serving 50 high-school students annually); spark innovation in the use of our archival and digital collections; create new knowledge in the fields of art history and museum/library studies; advance the academic and professional outcomes of participants; and link neighborhood schools, teachers, and Schomburg audiences at large to the exhibitions researched and created by Teen Curators.

The Schomburg Center is actively seeking a Program Coordinator for the Teen Curator Program. The ideal candidate is a passionate experienced educator with a Masters Degree in Education and/or Museum Education who will coordinate the Schomburg Teen Curators Program and related School Day and Teen Events.  The Program Coordinator will work with the Education Team under the direction of the Director of Education and Exhibition.

For more information on the job,  View Here

For more Information about the program, View Here

1 Comment


    i would love to be considered for the TEENS CURATORS PROGRAM

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