Kofi Annan’s Legacy in International Law

Tributes to Kofi Annan have poured in since his death on August 18, praising his diplomatic skills, his dignified leadership, and his basic human decency. Having worked with him closely from 1996 to 2000, first in the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations and then the Executive Office of the Secretary-General, I can also testify to his warmth as a human being.

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Governing International Advocacy NGOs

CILG Fellow Professor Alnoor Ebrahim, along with co-authors L David Brown and Srilatha Batliwala, discusses international advocacy NGOs (IANGOs) and their role in the international arena. This paper provides a comparative analysis of the cases of ten IANGOs that operate in diverse advocacy contexts, including development, environment, governance, human rights, and constituent support.

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