
D28 Women in Leadership Dinner: An Overwhelming Success!

Recently, a commencement speech went viral with an obsolete message: “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world. But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.” This statement reflects the outdated notion that a woman’s worth lies only in her roles as a mother and homemaker, rather than as a leader or professional. However, on August 7, 2024, we were reminded of the incredible leadership women can exhibit and that the two are not mutually exclusive, particularly in the healthcare setting.

The Women in Leadership event, hosted annually by the Student Affairs Office and the Public Health and Community Services Office, celebrated its ninth year this August. This year’s event, organized by Nancy Marks and Dainya Hannan, was a resounding success.

The event took place in a room filled with D28 women in their royal blue scrubs. As excitement and chatter filled the space, attendees began to take their seats at their designated tables. Nancy Marks set a positive tone with her welcoming remarks, emphasizing the value of female friendships and challenging cultural myths surrounding them. Dr. Gottlieb and Karen Alexander also offered empowering words of wisdom to the D28 class.

Following the opening speeches, D27 table leaders facilitated discussions among the attendees. The D27 leaders—Maya Abujamra, Khushi Dave, Troi Davis, Panashe Gadaga, Bryce Pitts, Joanna Rafti, Serena Stevens, Isabelle Terrasa, and Michelle Zak —guided conversations with their personal stories and experiences in dental school. Their openness allowed D28 women to share their journeys, fostering connections and mutual support.

The evening’s highlight was the leadership panel, featuring four D26 women and one D27 woman. Robin Lee (D26), Vice President of the D26 class and a part of the Asian Dental Organization e-board, spoke about the importance of a strong support system and finding one’s purpose amidst the challenges of school and leadership. Anna Lubitz (D26), founder of Music in Medicine, encouraged involvement in research and following one’s passions. Kentoya Bryant (D26), a mother, wife, and US Navy Sailor shared her strategies for balancing multiple roles and building a support network. Val De Laurenzio (D26) emphasized community service and her work with the Hispanic Student Dental Association. AC Holmquist (D27) discussed taking the initiative to engage in leadership roles early on, serving as Vice President of the Queer Student Dentist Collective.

The event was met with enthusiasm from the D28 attendees, who left feeling inspired and connected. Here are some reflections from the students:

  • “I would encourage a fellow student to attend because of the support you feel after this event. It’s very encouraging and heartwarming.”
  • “The Women in Leadership event is a great opportunity to discover the resources and mentors at Tufts and to explore who you want to be!”
  • “THIS EVENT WAS INCREDIBLE. I’m so glad I attended. It inspired me to explore other groups and organizations within the Tufts community. Connecting with fellow students and hearing their stories made me feel incredibly grateful and motivated. I look forward to participating again next year!”
  • “This was a powerful reminder of who I am and the strength of women. It’s easy to feel lost when starting dental school, but meeting these amazing women helped me remember why I’m here and that I’m deserving of this opportunity. Thank you so much!”

The Women in Leadership dinner remains a cornerstone event for first-year dental students, highlighting the importance of relationships and sisterhood in shaping future leaders. Special thanks to Nancy Marks and Dainya Hannan for their dedication to organizing this integral Tufts tradition.

Reflection by Panashe Gadaga, D27

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