
D26 Women in Leadership Dinner

D26 Women: Don’t Miss TUSDM’s Annual Women in Leadership Dinner on Tuesday, August 23rd!

It’s a favorite of incoming classes!

Hear from D24 women as they share their leadership experiences and participate in table conversations led by D25 leaders. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about some of the leadership opportunities available to you at TUSDM, while also meeting and networking with students from other class years.

Testimonials from past events:

“It’s so amazing to hear everyone’s UNIQUE stories of female empowerment. We all come from different backgrounds and have our own paths to where we are today, and we should be proud and push ourselves to be female leaders!”


“Highly recommend attending, even if you have other things planned that day I advise making time for the Women in Leadership panel… My group leader really made me feel comfortable and open to speaking publicly. This event truly inspired me to be more willing to take on leadership roles as I can be shy and reserved sometimes. The panel provided a number of resources regarding involvement in and outside of the Tufts community so I wouldn’t miss it!”


“The women they will hear from come from many different walks of life and there are bound to be some (more likely many) women they connect to. It was very inspiring to go out there and push ourselves to be the change we want to see.”

RSVP via link or QR code today to join us for dinner and for an inspiring occasion of networking and speakers!

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