Friday, March 21, 2025

Research Assistant Initiative

The Research Assistant Initiative, which launched in 2020, pairs Fletcher faculty doing research related to the Middle East and North Africa with qualified Fletcher students. Past RAs have indicated that being a Fares Research Assistant increased their interaction with professors and was overall a significant benefit to their Fletcher experience. 

The Fares Center provides funding for RAs of up to 60 hours for the academic year and usually funds up to six RAs. The RAs assist faculty in conducting research, summarizing findings, or preparing any reviews or reports you may need relating to your research. So long as the work is related to the Middle East or North Africa, the faculty member may assign whichever relevant duties they see fit. The timeline is up to the faculty member and the student, though we suggest at least one full semester. 

Faculty can suggest a student of their choice for the RA position, or Fares helps them find an appropriate candidate.

Interested faculty should keep an eye out for announcements at the beginning of the academic year. Generally, proposals should be about 500 words and should include: 

  • Description of the Project 
  • RA Position Expectations 
  • List of Deliverables for your RA (Literature Review, Concept Paper, Blog Posts, Research, etc.) 

The RA will submit a short report to the Fares Center and will also be encouraged to engage in all Fares programming and initiatives.

If you are interested in being an RA email