The Vermont Historical Society will be hiring two interns for twelve weeks during the summer of 2013. The interns will work as a team inventorying and cataloging the Kent Museum collections. The collections are currently housed at the Kent Museum, an historic house museum, in Calais and at the Vermont History Center in Barre. The collections in Calais will be cataloged and then packed and transported to the Vermont History Center in Barre. Kent Collections currently stored in Barre will be unpacked and cataloged and then re-housed in appropriate storage areas at the Vermont History Center. Duties will range from cleaning and moving artifacts to research and writing for the catalog. Interns will report to the curator but will also work with the registrar.
VHS has a small staff so interns will be exposed to many different aspects of the workings of a state historical society. They may also be called on occasionally to help with larger institution wide projects and events if needed.
Stipend: $4,800.00 plus some travel expenses
For a detailed description with requirements and contacts go to VHS’s website
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