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Samuel Zemurray Stone Senior Historian [The National WWII Museum, New Orleans, LA]


The National WWII Museum in New Orleans is currently seeking a Senior Historian.  This endowed position reports to the President and CEO, and the Samuel Zemurray Stone Senior Historian will serve on the President’s Council on Education and Research. Future report will be through the Executive Director of Museum’s new Institute for the Study of War and Democracy and the Vice President of Education and Access.*

The Senior Historian will play a central role in advancing the Museum’s mission as expressed through exhibits, research initiatives, education programs, conferences, publications, distance learning activities and other outreach. This professional will provide leadership in exploring why World War II was fought, how it was won, and what it means today. Drawing on a strong background in United States and WWII history, the Senior Historian will contribute to the Museum’s research and public history projects, with a portion of time allowed to pursue his/her independent research and publication interests related to military or WWII history.

There will be special responsibilities to assist in:

  • Maintaining the integrity of the Museum’s exhibits, programs and other content in representing the American experience in World War II.
  • Contributing to the Museum’s popular and scholarly publications as well as media products, utilizing the Museum’s oral histories and collections, other archival repositories, and online resources.
  • Expanding access to knowledge of World War II military history for diverse audiences at national and global levels.


  1. Serve as a senior professional in the planned Institute for the Study of War and Democracy, working closely with Museum historians, visiting fellows, conference planners and subject matter professionals from other Museum departments, as well as other professionals in military history.
  1. Bring innovation and high standards to exploring the American experience in World War II, promoting study of the subject to broad audiences that include Museum visitors, university and high school students, government and business leaders, and adult WWII history enthusiasts.
  2. Support original research and innovative projects of the Museum that illuminate campaigns, strategies, leadership and technologies important to Allied victory.
  3. Provide consultation in development of the Museum’s interactive features.
  4. Contribute to expanding the Museum’s global higher learning activities and professional networks, while raising the Museum’s profile through published works, speaking engagements and media relations.
  5. Serve as one of the Museum’s spokespersons for radio, television or other media, and provide historical consultation to public entities, as requested by the President and CEO.
  6. Serve as consulting historian for Museum leadership programs developed for corporations, government, education and military institutions.
  7. Assist the Educational Travel Program staff in developing and executing the Museum’s travel abroad tours. (On occasion, as needed, be prepared to lead Museum tours.)
  8. Participate in the preparation of presentations and reports for the Museum’s national Board of Trustees or its Presidential Counselors, an advisory body comprised of respected historians, museum leaders and other scholars.

* The Institute for the Study of War and Democracy, housed in the planned Hall of Democracy, will foster specialized programs, research, publications, conferences and creation of digital content in WWII military history as well as democracy and leadership studies. The Institute will serve the needs of the Museum, visiting scholars and the general public. The President’s Council on Education and Research, chaired by the President and CEO, will provide inter-departmental guidance for a broad range of Museum initiatives.

Other considerations:

  1. The Senior Historian is allowed one day a week (20 percent of work time) for personal research, retaining the rights to intellectual property stemming from such research.
  2. Following four years of employment with The National WWII Museum, the Senior Historian is eligible to apply for a six-month sabbatical with pay to pursue independent research and writing projects in WWII history or related subjects.
  3. The Senior Historian is encouraged to teach one military history course each year, outside of regular Museum responsibilities, as an invited adjunct professor for the University of New Orleans or for one of the Museum’s credit-bearing programs abroad.

Qualifications and Requirements


  1. PhD in History, Military History or related field.
  2. Established reputation in study of the American WWII experience, demonstrating specialized knowledge in military history and America’s role as a global power.
  3. Record of achievement and recognition in research and peer-reviewed publication, with evidence of commitment to public history and outreach to the media.
  4. Demonstrated skill in public speaking.
  5. Experience of at least a decade in a university, institute, historical society, museum or related government institution, or as a published author on World War II topics.
  6. Evidence of creative approaches to the teaching of history.
  7. Background interacting with other scholars, media, and varied audiences in exploring historical material/themes for broad publics.
  8. The Museum would prefer some experience in use of digitized assets, social media and other online platforms, including institutional websites, and expects proficiency in Microsoft Office.
  9. Exceptional organizational and interpersonal skills; ability to perform in a collaborative work environment.
  10.   Ability to work on multiple assignments, including administrative tasks, program development and interaction with outside audiences or media.
  11.   Willingness to work irregular hours during weekends, holidays, special events or when required by project deadlines.
  12.  Willingness and ability to travel internationally for research and presentations, including Museum tour presentations.

The Museum requests that applicants respond as soon as possible, including CV and a cover letter explaining interest in the position. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. References may be requested at a later stage.

The National WWII Museum offers a competitive wage and benefits package which includes medical, dental, vision and life insurance, long-term disability insurance, 401k and paid vacation and sick leave.

Interested candidates should apply online at www.nationalww2museum.org/employment or mail resumes to 945 Magazine St., New Orleans, LA 70130.

Museum Mission Statement

The National WWII Museum tells the story of the American experience in the war that changed the world—why it was fought, how it was won, and what it means today—so that all generations will understand the price of freedom and be inspired by what they learn.

Job Information
  • New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130, United States
  • 27832541
  • April 8, 2016
  • Samuel Zemurray Stone Senior Historian
  • The National WWII Museum
  • Directors/Administrators
  • No
  • Full-Time
  • Indefinite
  • Ph.D.
  • 10-25%

1 Comment

  1. Len Lannom

    Does Tuffs/WWII Museum offer any programs for young WWII history buffs?
    My grandson constantly studies about WWII. He made two power point presentations in 2018. In May he spoke to the CAMP military historical society, and in July he spoke to the Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum docents.
    This year Eli was invited back to the Mighty Eighth to work in the museum as a docent. As his grandfather, I am constantly looking for opportunities for him to speak about WWII.

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