Part-time, Temporary, May 14- June 14, 2018
Posting Date: 2/12/18
Cambridge Arts Council
344 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139

The Cambridge Arts Council is looking for a conservation technician to assist with the
annual documentation, maintenance, and treatment of its outdoor sculpture and murals
collection. The technician will be working with a team of 2 experienced technicians, the
staff Registrar/Collections Care Specialist, and the Director of Art Conservation for 3
days per week beginning May 14 and ending June 14. The work will include washing and
waxing bronzes, assessment and minor treatment of public art in schools and libraries,
and cleaning mosaics and painted steel sculptures. The work will also include artist
interviews about materials and processes. Some experience with conservation
treatment or collection care is desirable, ability to work all day outdoors needed, good
energy and a sense of humor required. Knowledge of photography is helpful. This is a
great opportunity for a pre-program conservation student or for an emerging artist
interested in learning more about public art.
$18 – $24 hour depending on experience.
Please contact Rika Smith McNally, Director of Art Conservation, Cambridge Arts Council,
at, by March 16, 2018.