
Tour Programs Coordinator/ Learning & Engagement Department


Responsible for developing and coordinating a robust, quality, on site tour program that meets the needs of Pre K – 12th grade students primarily in the SCFD counties.


  • With Manager of Tour Programs, establish guiding principles and philosophy for touring students, keeping abreast of local and national      school standards, Common Core, 21st Century Learning skills,  etc. ensuring DAM is relevant to school audiences and a leader in its      services.
  • Maintain key contacts in school districts to ensure tour offerings are aligned with student needs.
  • Develop strategies to ensure tour program is culturally relevant and sensitive to school demographics.
  • Coordinate evaluation of school tours ensuring high quality, engaging experiences for students.
  • With Manager of Tour Programs, establish annual school attendance goals to ensure DAM is reaching diverse audience with strong SCFD distribution.  Review annual stats to fine-tune offerings;
  • Work closely with Docent Programs Coordinator to ensure robust capacity for tours.
  • Pilot and/or assist Interpretive Specialists in development of new tours as needed.
  • Consult with Interpretive Specialists on special exhibition strategies for school tours.
  • Work with Communications and Group Sales on development of promotional materials and strategies related to school tours.
  • Oversee AM at the DAM and other onsite programming for schools as assigned.
  • With Manger of Tour Programs, coordinate recruitment for a diverse, quality provisional docent class.
  • Coordinate and lead provisional docent training and ongoing visual skills, artful literacy and early childhood tour training.
  • Coordinate annual docent tour sign-up; with Manager of Tour Programs and Interpretive Specialists determine tour offerings.
  • Coordinate docent access to all tour training materials [electronically and in hard copy].
  • Coordinate docent liaison program for school tours; oversee AM@DAM, Visual Skills, Artful Literacy, and EC docent liaisons.


  • Assist with fundraising requests as needed.
  • Participate in departmental budgeting and planning activities.
  • Provide blog, teacher e-mail, and other social media content as needed.
  • Act as an effective spokesperson for DAM school tour program in community as needed.
  • Assist Manager of Tour Programs as needed.


                KNOWLEDGE, SKILL & ABILITY:

  •  Ability to effectively network with key administrators and teachers in school community
  • Ability to communicate effectively in group and individual situations as well as in written form;      strong public speaking skills
  • Ability to conduct visitor panels, develop surveys, etc. to gather feedback on programs
  • Knowledge of best museum  education and school education practices
  • Familiarity with school curricula in visual arts, social studies, and language arts
  • Ability to work effectively with volunteers
  • Proven organizational skills and  ability to work on multiple, detailed projects simultaneously.
  • Computer literate (MS Word, PowerPoint, Prezi, Excel, etc.)


BA required, MA in museum education, education or related field preferred.


  • Proven experience in docent training
  • Experience in piloting and developing tour programs

3-5 years museum experience


Telephone, printer, computer, laminator, digital projector, Promethean board, art supplies

This is full-time position with benefits. If you are interested in this position, please use the online application process on the website. If you are interested in this position, please use the online application process at Deadline for application is January 30, 2016.

It is the policy of the Denver Art Museum to prohibit discrimination against any person or organization based on age, race, sex, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, transgender status, gender identity, gender expression, ancestry, marital status, gender, veteran status, political service, affiliation or disability.

Job Information
  • Denver, Colorado, 80204, United States
  • 25998483
  • November 30, 2015
  • Tour Programs Coordinator
  • Denver Art Museum
  • Education
  • No
  • Full-Time
  • Indefinite
  • BA/BS/Undergraduate
  • 3-5 Years
  • 0-10%