Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Author: Danielle N. Bennett (Page 9 of 10)

Asking Forgiveness Instead of Permission

The Berkshire Museum has gone ahead with the auction and private sale of choice pieces from its collection, including works by Norman Rockwell (whose works were intended for the people of Pittsfield, MA in perpetuity), Alexander Calder, and Frederic Church. They have not yet reached the $55 million cap permitted by the Massachusetts Attorney General, and so may return to the auction block with more pieces, but the majority of the transactions have been completed. In response, the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) has sanctioned the Berkshire Museum, requesting that the association’s 243 members refuse to lend works to the Berkshire Museum or collaborate with it on exhibitions. In a statement the AAMD stated, “Selling art to support any need other than to build a museum’s collection fundamentally undermines the critically important relationships between museums, donors and the public. When museums violate the trust of their donors and the public, they diminish the opportunity and responsibility to make great works of art available to the public.”

Even as this sanction was issued, other voices in the art and museum world rallied to suggest that the current system is flawed. Artsy suggested that the American Association of Museums’ (AAM) policy which only allows collections to be deaccessioned and sold in order to fund the purchase of more art should be modified to permit more diverse uses. They argue that if the goal of museums is to secure collections for the public good, what good comes of large institutions locking away vast amounts of art that may never be displayed? They propose a modified deaccession policy that gives other institutions first opportunity to acquire works, and allows the proceeds from the sales to be used for other purposes beyond acquisitions.

The AAM’s deaccessioning policy intentionally restricts the use of proceeds from deaccessioned collections to prevent liquidation of assets held for the public good from being used to cover up financial mismanagement or other unethical uses. In a recent statement in response to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruling on the Berkshire Museum case, the AAM reiterated their position, “We believe this is a critical issue of ethical conduct and best practice, one tied directly to the public trust. When museums violate the trust of their donors and the public, they diminish the opportunity and responsibility to make our cultural heritage available to the public. This hurts the individual institution and affects the museum field as a whole.”

The AAM and AAMD are certainly working on behalf of the public good, and it is in keeping with their roles as professional organizations  to scrupulously maintain the ethics of the industry, but they may also need to assess their current position. Undoubtedly, institutions across the country with high storage costs and low display space are watching this saga unfold and contemplating if they might withstand the legal and professional scrutiny if it meant they could pursue that capital project, hire that new education staff, or add more robust programming to their schedule. Museums are well aware of their precarious positions in their communities as both trusted sources of information and lean competitors for tourism dollars. It may be time for a careful re-consideration of what constitutes the future of ethical use of funds raised from deaccessioning works. If the AAM  and other professional organizations refuse to seriously consider the issue before institutions, it may be that other museums follow the Berkshire’s lead and ethical debates, court judgements, and sanctions hit the newspapers with a frequency that could alter the public’s faith in museums.

Weekly Jobs Roundup!

Here’s the weekly jobs roundup for the week of June 3rd!

New England

Director of Development [Greenwich Historical Society, Greenwich, CT]

Executive Director [Mystic Museum of Art, Mystic, CT]

Museum Educator [Step Into Art, Newton, MA]

Director of Museum Education [Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI]

Visitor Services Student Supervisor [Harvard Museums of Science and Culture, Cambridge, MA]

Executive Director [Vermont Humanities Council, Montpelier, VT]

Director of Operations [Museum L-A, Lewiston, ME]


Exhibition Production Manager [Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, New York, NY]

Senior Managing Educator [Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY]

Digital Learning Fellow [New-York Historical Society, New York, NY]

Senior Manager of Collections Information [Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY]

Curatorial Assistant [George Eastman Museum, Rochester, NY]

Educational Programs Director [Adirondack Architectural Heritage, Keeseville, NY]

Collections Manager [Office of Senate Curator, Washington, DC]

Membership and Special Events Assistant [Freer/Sackler Galleries, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC]


Curator [President James K. Polk Home and Museum, Columbia, TN]

Exhibitions and Collections Manager [Stax Museum of American Soul Music, Memphis, TN]

Director of Education [Cummer Museum, Jacksonville, FL]


Curatorial Fellowship for Diversity in the Arts [Smart Museum of Art, Chicago, IL]

Associate Educator for School and Teacher Programs [Milwaukee Museum of Art, Milwaukee, WI]

Director [Kauffman Museum, North Newton, KS]

Executive Director [Rock County Historical Society, Janesville, WI]

Director [Arab American National Museum, Dearborn, MI]

Museum Director [Sun Prairie Historical Library and Museum, Sun Prairie, WI]


Director of Library and Collections [California Historical Society, San Francisco, CA]

Exhibit Developer [Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA]

Curator of History [Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture, Spokane, WA]

Exhibit Designer [Musical Instrument Museum, Phoenix, AZ]

Park Ranger [San Jacinto Battleground SHP, LaPorte, TX]

Senior Director of Programs and Collections [The Alamo, San Antonio, TX]

Director of Curatorial Strategies [Anchorage Museum Association, Anchorage, AK]

Symposium on the Rosa Parks House Project this Friday, May 18

Please join RISD and Waterfire Providence for a symposium on the controversial artist intervention on the Rosa Parks House. The day begins with a tour of the project followed by panel discussions about art, preservation, and memory. This project brings up questions of race, artistic appropriation and preservation and should be an important discussion for all. Free. For more information about the symposium, please visit their website.

Weekly Jobs Roundup!

Here’s your weekly roundup of new jobs! Happy Hunting!

New England

Collections Manager [Ecotarium, Worcester, Massachusetts]

UMCA Education Curator [UMCA, Amherst, Massachusetts]

Assistant Director [Carpenter Museum, Rehoboth, Massachusetts]

Executive Director [Albacore Park, Portsmouth, New Hampshire]

Assistant Preparator [Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Massachusetts]

Museum Educator [Ecotarium, Worcester, Massachusetts]

Program Coordinator [Kennedy Library, Boston, Massachusetts]

Exhibits Project Manager [Boston Children’s Museum, Boston, Massachusetts]

Director of Education and Experience [Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Massachusetts]

Education Coordinator [Wilson Museum, Castine, Maine]

Associate Curator of Global Contemporary Art [Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire]

Mid Atlantic

Carpenter Foundation Fellow for Asian Glass [The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York]

Director of Interpretation [Adirondack Experience: The Museum on Blue Mountain Lake, Blue Mountain, New York]

Director of Education Programs [Jackie Robinson Museum, New York City]


Curatorial Assistant [Akron Art Museum, Akron, Ohio]

Visitor Services Manager [Ford Piquette Avenue Plant, Detroit, Michigan]


Grants Manager [Asheville Art Museum, Asheville, North Carolina]

Museum Educator for Adult Programs [Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia]

Museum Educator for Curriculum and School Programs [Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, Virginia]

Collections Manager [Artis-Naples, Naples, Florida]

Museum Preparator [Artis-Naples, Naples, Florida]

Associate Registrar [Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Maryland]

Director of Education [Cummer Museum of Art, Jacksonville, Florida]

Curator [President James K. Polk Library and Museum, Columbia, Tennessee]

Exhibitions and Collections Manager [Stax Museum of American Soul Music, Memphis, Tennessee]


Collection Cataloguer, Costume and Textile [Fine Arts Museums of California, San Francisco, California]

Head of Volunteer Services [Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon]

Hello from Your New Editors!

Hello and Welcome Back!

It’s graduation time in academia! A time to pass torches, hand over keys, etc. As rising second year students in the Tufts Museum Studies program, we are very excited to take over where Dominque and Andrea left off, and we wish them heartfelt congratulations and lots of luck as they make their way into the museum world.

For our first post, we want to take a moment to introduce ourselves and let you know who we are and what we hope to bring to the blog this year. We also want to hear from you, to make sure this space responds to what you want to have in a museum studies blog. Please leave comments or drop us a line at our email in the sidebar.

With that, please bear with us for the long post this week and allow us to introduce ourselves!

Danielle Bennett, Museum Studies and History

Hi, I’m Danielle and I’m so pleased to be co-piloting this blog through the next year! I am a student in the Museum Studies and History program so I hope to bring you news and perspectives on that side of the museum field from little historic houses to large institutions.

I study American history, and am particularly interested in the intersections of race, gender, and class as the United States industrialized and took on the dimensions we know today. I am deeply interested in civics education in the United States and believe that museums have a large role to play as informal educators of both students and adults. I am a believer of the importance of polyvocality within museums – both on the exhibit floor and in the development stages, and strongly believe in grounding museums within their communities for mutual benefit. I hope to highlight these issues in the blog in coming months.

I received my BA in American Studies from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, which was undoubtedly an influence on my historical interests. I am based in New York City, where I spent time working as a political and labor organizer before spending several years at a telecommunications tech startup. I am currently a Teaching Assistant for the Tufts History Department and I work as the Social Media Manager for the Alice Austen House in Staten Island, NY. This historic house museum gets to weave threads about an early female LGBTQ figure, New York City history, and photography into a unique story with a lot of contemporary resonance. If you’re ever in New York, make sure you pay us a visit! I’ll also soon be interning with New-York Historical Society, one of the first museums in the country, with a collection that ranges from Tiffany Lamps to vintage board games, to protest signs from the 2017 Women’s March, and beyond! I hope to share perspectives on presenting history influenced by both of these organizations.

Amanda S. Wall, Museum Studies and Education

I am Amanda and am so excited to be your new Museum Education Editor. I am originally from New York by way of Los Angeles and have just completed my first year in the Museum Education M.A. program. My journey to Museum Education started as a child with a love for museums and archaeological sites. I loved learning everything and was always so enthused to share what I learned with others. Museums were a way to connect with the past to understand the present. This love led me to pursue a B.A. in Anthropology and a minor in Spanish, concentrating in Bioarchaeology, at SUNY New Paltz. While at New Paltz, I had the chance to conduct research on a newly discovered skeletal population culminating in a final project and poster on sex determination. I also had the opportunity to attend an Archaeological field school at the National Historic Landmark, Historic Huguenot Street. Upon graduating, I chose to serve as an AmeriCorps volunteer with City Year New York working with students at an East Harlem elementary school.

Although I loved both archaeology and education, I wasn’t clear on how I could pursue both interests until I began volunteering at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. I started as a Gallery Interpreter, becoming certified in five different exhibitions as a Docent-in-Training, before moving on to the Vertebrate Paleontology collections team where I worked rehousing, inventorying, and researching archival techniques. My experience at NHM led me to realize that a profession in the Museum field would be a perfect way to merge my two academic interests. In the coming year I will be interning with the MIT Museum and the Tsongas Industrial History Center. In my free time I love to hike, travel, and play with my dog. As the Tufts Museum Studies Blog’s Museum Education Editor I will be focusing on museums and the public sphere, both in terms of education and how we are relating to and engaging our public.

Kelsey Petersen, Museum Studies and Art History

Hello everyone! My name is Kelsey Petersen, and I will be representing the art history side of Tufts’ Museum Studies program! Before I introduce myself, I would like to say a big thank you to Andrea and Dominique for this past year of thought-provoking discussions, helpful job postings, marvelous newsletters, and of course for their enthusiasm for all things ‘museum.’ We’ll miss you, and best of luck as you launch into your next stage of museum work!

It surprised me how fast my first year as a Master’s candidate in art history and museum studies flew by; in some ways it feels like we were just in Museums Today, debating the Berkshire Museum and exploring the multifaceted roles museums cast in our communities. As I reflect on my coursework over these past two semesters, I realize my favorite areas of learning occurred when discussions from my art history and museum studies courses intersected. For example, I first learned about decolonization methodologies in Museums Today, when I studied the Abbe Museum as a case study of a museum that has transformed its display, collecting, and consulting practices to prioritize Wabanaki voice. These critical methodologies are what I often ground myself in, whether it is in an African Art seminar or Exhibition Planning. Overall, I hope to bring these interdisciplinary intersections with me into my new role as co-editor, and further connect art historical approaches to the museum world.

Now for a little about my background: I grew up in the Bay Area, California and lived in Los Angeles as an undergraduate, so I must confess my first New England winter was a little challenging to get used to (although I did enjoy all the activities that came with it, like cider donuts and snow days). Now that spring is here and the sun is back out, I’m excited for more bike rides! Wherever I go, my bike and a book are usually not too far away.

My first entry point into the museum world was when I worked in a visitor services position at a contemporary art museum. I quickly fell in love with the power of art to connect people and ideas, and wanted to become more involved with the behind-the-scenes aspect of programming. After interning in the education department at the de Young Museum in San Francisco, I knew for sure this labor of love was for me, and decided to pursue my Master’s for more related opportunities. Since moving to Boston and starting the Tufts’ program, I started a collections internship at the Fitchburg Art Museum, and have happily discovered another possible career niche. Ultimately, this first year in the Tufts’ dual program has been incredible, and I can’t wait for another year of enjoyable challenges, new perspectives, and learning.

We are really looking forward to further exploring and discussing the museum world with you, and we welcome you to contribute as guest author at any time!

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