Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Category: Admin Post (Page 11 of 16)

Job Announcements

Graduate Gallery Assistant for Tufts University Students

Tufts University Art Galleries is seeking a graduate student interested in museum pedagogy, audience development, and public programs to work closely with the Gallery Educator & Academic Programs Coordinator for the 18-19 academic year.

The Graduate Assistant will conduct research on future exhibitions, organize and create resource materials for faculty and students, design and implement campus-wide public programs in conjunction with exhibitions, and provide informal learning opportunities in the Gallery. The Gallery Educator will train and mentor the Graduate Assistant to facilitate discussion-based tours in current exhibitions using a variety of museum pedagogies (i.e., VTS, Artful Thinking). This fall, the Gallery will feature Expressions Unbound: American Outsider Art from the Andrew and Linda Safran Collection, which brings together 38 artworks by some of the foremost self-taught artists of the 20th century and States of Freedom: The Figure in Flux, a pan-historical group exhibition of contemporary and historical work in which the body appears fragmented, flattened, or collaged.

The schedule for this paid position is flexible, but the expectation is a commitment of 5-10 hours per week. This position can be used to fulfill the Museum Studies internship requirement. Applicants should send a letter of interest and CV/Resume to Liz Canter at Elizabeth.canter@tufts.edu.

So You Want to Work in a Museum?

Tufts’ graduation weekend has arrived! As newly graduated individuals embark on their next adventure – whether they choose to further their education, travel, begin an intensive internship, or pursue a new career – this is a time for more learning opportunities. With summer programming, changing exhibitions, and approaching grant deadlines, it is also an incredibly busy time of year for museum professionals, which is why now might be the best time to apply for a museum job.

How though, can a recent graduate enter the highly rewarding and competitive museum field? The application process can sometimes feel overwhelming and stressful, especially for new graduates who are under pressure to find work as soon as possible. Below are a few helpful suggestions to help ease the searching and application process:

Internships/Fellowships: Sometimes getting your foot in the door is all you need to launch your museum career. Internships are often the best way to do this! As an intern at a museum, you have the opportunity to participate in all related activities in the focus of your choice while gaining hands-on and practical experience. You work closely with your manager or a team of other interns to collaborate on projects, discuss current events, and contribute to the organization, all while building your network and discovering new aspects of the museum sphere that speak to you the most. When museums are seeking applicants to fill an open role, a past or current intern will be the first to stand out!

Similarly, fellowships are another great opportunity for recently graduated and emerging museum professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge in a specific area of the museum while engaging in a long-term project.

Networking: Is there a certain museum or organization with a mission that aligns with your passion where you hope to one day work? Reach out to your network, including past professors, advisors, colleagues, co-workers, and friends to see if they have contacts that can put you in touch with the right person for an informational interview. Informational interviews are a helpful way to learn more about an institution from an insider’s perspective while also initiating a new professional network in your field.

An Open Mind: Ultimately, the path to landing a museum career may not go as linear as planned. Remember that it’s okay to experiment in other fields or institutions before landing your dream job. Finally, subscribe to the Tufts Museum Studies Blog Weekly Newsletter. Each week, new job listings and announcements are posted by geographic region to inform our readers of new opportunities in the museum world.

Hello from Your New Editors!

Hello and Welcome Back!

It’s graduation time in academia! A time to pass torches, hand over keys, etc. As rising second year students in the Tufts Museum Studies program, we are very excited to take over where Dominque and Andrea left off, and we wish them heartfelt congratulations and lots of luck as they make their way into the museum world.

For our first post, we want to take a moment to introduce ourselves and let you know who we are and what we hope to bring to the blog this year. We also want to hear from you, to make sure this space responds to what you want to have in a museum studies blog. Please leave comments or drop us a line at our email in the sidebar.

With that, please bear with us for the long post this week and allow us to introduce ourselves!

Danielle Bennett, Museum Studies and History

Hi, I’m Danielle and I’m so pleased to be co-piloting this blog through the next year! I am a student in the Museum Studies and History program so I hope to bring you news and perspectives on that side of the museum field from little historic houses to large institutions.

I study American history, and am particularly interested in the intersections of race, gender, and class as the United States industrialized and took on the dimensions we know today. I am deeply interested in civics education in the United States and believe that museums have a large role to play as informal educators of both students and adults. I am a believer of the importance of polyvocality within museums – both on the exhibit floor and in the development stages, and strongly believe in grounding museums within their communities for mutual benefit. I hope to highlight these issues in the blog in coming months.

I received my BA in American Studies from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, which was undoubtedly an influence on my historical interests. I am based in New York City, where I spent time working as a political and labor organizer before spending several years at a telecommunications tech startup. I am currently a Teaching Assistant for the Tufts History Department and I work as the Social Media Manager for the Alice Austen House in Staten Island, NY. This historic house museum gets to weave threads about an early female LGBTQ figure, New York City history, and photography into a unique story with a lot of contemporary resonance. If you’re ever in New York, make sure you pay us a visit! I’ll also soon be interning with New-York Historical Society, one of the first museums in the country, with a collection that ranges from Tiffany Lamps to vintage board games, to protest signs from the 2017 Women’s March, and beyond! I hope to share perspectives on presenting history influenced by both of these organizations.

Amanda S. Wall, Museum Studies and Education

I am Amanda and am so excited to be your new Museum Education Editor. I am originally from New York by way of Los Angeles and have just completed my first year in the Museum Education M.A. program. My journey to Museum Education started as a child with a love for museums and archaeological sites. I loved learning everything and was always so enthused to share what I learned with others. Museums were a way to connect with the past to understand the present. This love led me to pursue a B.A. in Anthropology and a minor in Spanish, concentrating in Bioarchaeology, at SUNY New Paltz. While at New Paltz, I had the chance to conduct research on a newly discovered skeletal population culminating in a final project and poster on sex determination. I also had the opportunity to attend an Archaeological field school at the National Historic Landmark, Historic Huguenot Street. Upon graduating, I chose to serve as an AmeriCorps volunteer with City Year New York working with students at an East Harlem elementary school.

Although I loved both archaeology and education, I wasn’t clear on how I could pursue both interests until I began volunteering at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. I started as a Gallery Interpreter, becoming certified in five different exhibitions as a Docent-in-Training, before moving on to the Vertebrate Paleontology collections team where I worked rehousing, inventorying, and researching archival techniques. My experience at NHM led me to realize that a profession in the Museum field would be a perfect way to merge my two academic interests. In the coming year I will be interning with the MIT Museum and the Tsongas Industrial History Center. In my free time I love to hike, travel, and play with my dog. As the Tufts Museum Studies Blog’s Museum Education Editor I will be focusing on museums and the public sphere, both in terms of education and how we are relating to and engaging our public.

Kelsey Petersen, Museum Studies and Art History

Hello everyone! My name is Kelsey Petersen, and I will be representing the art history side of Tufts’ Museum Studies program! Before I introduce myself, I would like to say a big thank you to Andrea and Dominique for this past year of thought-provoking discussions, helpful job postings, marvelous newsletters, and of course for their enthusiasm for all things ‘museum.’ We’ll miss you, and best of luck as you launch into your next stage of museum work!

It surprised me how fast my first year as a Master’s candidate in art history and museum studies flew by; in some ways it feels like we were just in Museums Today, debating the Berkshire Museum and exploring the multifaceted roles museums cast in our communities. As I reflect on my coursework over these past two semesters, I realize my favorite areas of learning occurred when discussions from my art history and museum studies courses intersected. For example, I first learned about decolonization methodologies in Museums Today, when I studied the Abbe Museum as a case study of a museum that has transformed its display, collecting, and consulting practices to prioritize Wabanaki voice. These critical methodologies are what I often ground myself in, whether it is in an African Art seminar or Exhibition Planning. Overall, I hope to bring these interdisciplinary intersections with me into my new role as co-editor, and further connect art historical approaches to the museum world.

Now for a little about my background: I grew up in the Bay Area, California and lived in Los Angeles as an undergraduate, so I must confess my first New England winter was a little challenging to get used to (although I did enjoy all the activities that came with it, like cider donuts and snow days). Now that spring is here and the sun is back out, I’m excited for more bike rides! Wherever I go, my bike and a book are usually not too far away.

My first entry point into the museum world was when I worked in a visitor services position at a contemporary art museum. I quickly fell in love with the power of art to connect people and ideas, and wanted to become more involved with the behind-the-scenes aspect of programming. After interning in the education department at the de Young Museum in San Francisco, I knew for sure this labor of love was for me, and decided to pursue my Master’s for more related opportunities. Since moving to Boston and starting the Tufts’ program, I started a collections internship at the Fitchburg Art Museum, and have happily discovered another possible career niche. Ultimately, this first year in the Tufts’ dual program has been incredible, and I can’t wait for another year of enjoyable challenges, new perspectives, and learning.

We are really looking forward to further exploring and discussing the museum world with you, and we welcome you to contribute as guest author at any time!

Thank You, Goodbye, and BIG NEWS from the Editors

The Tufts Museum Studies Blog is run by second-year masters students. Each year, the graduating editors pass on responsibility of the blog to a new set of editors. So, as graduation season approaches, it is time for Dominique and Andrea to say goodbye, and announce some exciting news for this coming year!

But first, we need to say THANK YOU!

This past year we had some great guest authors, good discussions, and hopefully helped connect some readers with their next job. Subscriptions rates just about doubled, and we are confident that readership will continue to grow well over the next few years!  And it was all thanks to you for keeping our blog healthy and running, and sharing it with your fiends and coworkers. Thank you for sending us job postings, reading the email newsletters, spreading the word, and contributing posts!

Now for the sad goodbyes. A note from Dominique and Andrea:

This past year running the blog has been a fantastic experience. The museum community (as always!) was very friendly and supportive, and it was a joy to be a part of bringing that community even closer through this platform. This is a very welcoming space for exploring the most current museum topics and news. I am excited to see where the blog continues under the hands of the wonderful new editors!  – Andrea 

Thank you for letting us be a part of your weekly routine  through the newsletter and blog posts! It has been a refreshing, invigorating, and rewarding experience to be  able to take part in the meaningful dialogue that surrounds our museum work. I hope we left you all with a little bit of inspiration and insight through our posts. We are leaving the blog in excellent hands, and I cannot wait to see it continue to grow and reach larger audiences in the future. Thank you for all your support!! – Dominique 


And now, for the BIG NEWS!

Some years this blog has been run by one editor, and other years by two editors, but this coming year there will be THREE editors! This means that there will be a student from each of Tufts’ three Museum Studies Masters programs – Art History and Museum Studies, History and  Museum Studies, and Museum Education. We are very excited about how their different perspectives will broaden the voice of the blog! Stay tuned for next week when they will introduce themselves to you and begin the new year!

Thank you all for a great year!

Dominique Marcial & Andrea Woodberry

Changes Coming to the Blog!

Hello museum lovers!

Dominique and I have a few new plans for the blog this year, and we want to use this post to keep you aware of some changes to expect:

Events Page

The blog currently has an events calendar to highlight exciting museum events in the Boston area each month. We are switching to an events page where you can link directly to area museums’ events calendars to see their up-to-date event listings. Check back over the upcoming weeks to see additions to this page as we continue to implement our plans!

Around the Globe

A few weeks ago, our weekly post highlighted the GeoFort in the Netherlands, starting our Around the Globe series (check it out here if you missed it!). Periodically, we’ll highlight a museum outside the United States and you’ll soon be able to find all these under the Popular Categories menu on our home page. If you’re planning a trip or just want to add new museums to your mental file cabinet, this section is for you!


While the opportunity to contribute to the blog isn’t new, these updates bring more opportunities to do so! Here’s a list of ways to contribute!

If you…

  • Get word of an exciting museum event in Boston
  • Visit, or hear about, a great museum outside the U.S.
  • Visit a museum or new exhibit within the United States
  • Read an interesting article related to museums
  • Are pondering a topic or issue in the museum field
  • Hear about a museum job opening in the U.S.

…send us a message! And of course, if you have other ideas or questions, send us a message for that too!

We’re excited for these changes and hope you are too! Keep your eyes out as they gradually get put into place.

And lastly, THANK YOU for reading, engaging with, and sharing our blog! We love hearing hearing from fellow museum lovers!

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