Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Category: Professional Development (Page 10 of 42)

EMKI Open House for Musuem professionals and Museum Studies students

A Dynamic Laboratory for Our Democracy, the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate is designed to bring the history of the United States Senate alive – using technology to engage and inspire like never before. The Institute features a representation of the United States Senate Chamber, interactive exhibits, and a reproduction of Senator Kennedy’s office. The Institute is located in Boston on Columbia Point, next to the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum.

Sneak Peak for Museum Professionals Staff, volunteers, and interns from local

museums and cultural organizations are welcome to a free visitor preview.

» Wednesday, March 4, 5:30 – 8:00 PM

» Refreshments will be provided

» Located directly next door to the JFK

Library, accessible via MBTA

» Please RSVP by email to:



Exhibit Preview_Flyer_Mar4

First Greater Boston Museum Educators Roundtable event of the year

Greater Boston Museum Educators Roundtable

Gallery Teaching Across Disciplines

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

1:30 – 4:00 p.m.


222 Harrington Way, Worcester, Massachusetts

How do gallery teaching strategies compare across disciplines? What can history and art museum educators learn from science museum educators, and vice versa?

Gallery teaching is a fundamental skill for our field. Join us as for an afternoon of

practice and reflection at the EcoTarium. During this workshop, area educators

representing science, history, and art museums will lead attendees in interactive,

participatory gallery teaching sessions.  Reflective discussions will consider how

different teaching strategies can be modified to meet the needs of your museum.


This workshop is appropriate for educators of all levels and disciplines.

The EcoTarium is close to many major highway routes. Parking is always free.

Visit http://www.ecotarium.org/plan-your-visit/directions for more information.

RSVP on our Facebook page or contact Amy Briggs

at abriggs@danforthart.og or 508-620-0050, ext. 23

Like us on Facebook for discussion and networking

Afternoon Tea with the Boston EMPs!

Afternoon Tea with the Boston EMPs!

Join the Boston EMPs (Emerging Museum Professionals) for a spot of tea on Saturday, December 6th at 2:00 PM. Hosted at Abigail’s Tea Room in the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, this friendly get to together is the perfect time to catch up with new and old museum friends. In addition to enjoying a cup of tea with some friends, we will also be discussing the 96th annual NEMA conference. From first impressions to your favorite session, what did you think of this year’s conference? E-mail us at BostonEMPs [at] gmail [dot] com with your name by December 5th to reserve a spot at this event.

Announcement — Visitor Studies Association conference in Boston in 2016

The Visitor Studies Association (VSA) is looking ahead to its July 2016 conference in Boston and sending a special invitation to area Museum Studies students to get involved in the association.  Marta Byer of the VSA (and the Museum of Science, Boston) says “We’d love to meet your students and show them how VSA can help them as a professional resource in the informal learning field even before the conference comes to town.”


Join the Visitor Studies Association!

What is VSA?

The Visitor Studies Association (VSA) is a membership organization dedicated to understanding

and enhancing learning experiences in informal settings through research, evaluation, and


VSA offers an array of services designed to foster evidence-based practice, including an annual

conference, professional development workshops, and the peer-reviewed journal Visitor

Studies. Through these and other activities, VSA helps researchers, practitioners, policy-
makers, organizational leaders, and funders advance the field of informal learning.

How can VSA help Museum Studies students?

By participating in VSA, you can

– Learn and share information about improving informal learning experiences

– Connect with others in the field

– Gain access to visitor studies resources

– Become aware of professional development opportunities

How can you get involved?

There are many opportunities for members and non-members alike to get involved!

Check our website for all the details: http://www.visitorstudies.org

Some examples of involvement:

– Join the association as a student for only $30 a year

– Attend the annual conference

o July 14-18, 2015 in Indianapolis

o July 2016 in Boston

– Propose a conference session, panel, poster, or workshop

o Deadline for 2015 conference sessions: December 8, 2014

o Find more info at http://visitorstudies.org/conference-overview

– Share your e-mail to sign up for a quarterly e-newsletter

– Subscribe to the VSA listserv and join in the conversation

– Read Visitor Studies or submit an article

– Follow us on Twitter @Visitor_Studies and on Facebook

How can you learn more?

Feel free to contact Marta Beyer, VSA Ambassador, for more information: mbeyer@mos.org


Visitor Studies Association 2015 Conference, Call for Proposals

he Visitor Studies Association (VSA) seeks to foster a sense of community among its members, who gather once a year to pose intriguing questions, explore diverse opinions, debate controversial issues, challenge assumptions and share their successes and their struggles—in essence, to learn from one another.

Taking Action for Improvement, Growth, and Social Change

The 2015 Conference will be in Indianapolis, IN July 16-18, 2015!

The 2015 conference offers a venue for presenting new research, findings, and methods and exploring higher level topics and questions of interest to the field of informal learning. This year, the thematic focus of the keynote and plenaries will emphasize the ways in which we can take action through our work. To take action, we need to develop ourselves as creative and dynamic leaders, as individuals and within institutions and organizations dedicated to supporting informal learning opportunities; this is the key to fulfilling our potential for public service. Come join the discussion.

The Call for Session Proposals is now OPEN.

The Call for Workshop Proposals is now OPEN.

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