Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Category: Professional Development (Page 17 of 42)

Free Student Memberships to the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries

This is a GREAT offer, and one that all current Tufts students should sign up for immediately. I’m pulling this verbatim from the American Association of Museums LinkedIn page:

To kick off this academic year, the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries is offering FREE ONE YEAR STUDENT MEMBERSHIPS if you sign-up between now and October 15th.

AAMG acknowledges that students are one of the prime constituencies of all of our institutions as well as our future colleagues and leaders. We value the student voice and student participation.

Last time AAMG offered this special program over 400 students took advantage.

To apply on-line, visit http://www.aamg-us.org/registration/student-membership

BENEFITS FOR INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS — $50 a year (Students – Free!*)
•Access to our content-rich Members-Only Website, including job openings
•Free unrestricted access to AAMG-L and its 3,200 participating members to promote your traveling exhibitions, job openings and more
•Multiple First-Class Educational Opportunities to help you further your education and advance your career
•Eligibility to apply for transportation and scholarship funds to attend selected professional conferences and educational programs
•Multiple opportunities to network and virtually network with your academic colleagues at AAMG and AAM meetings and on the AAMG list serv, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
•Professional and Career Guidance on request from the board and regional representatives of AAMG
•Eligibility to serve on the AAMG Board or a standing or ad hoc committee
•Eligibility for travel support if you are a session presenter at Annual AAMG Meetings
•Invitation to the AAMG Annual Business Luncheon and Free Members’ Networking Reception if you attend the annual AAM Meeting

*(Students submit a copy of your current college/university ID with your membership application).

NEMA Conference Scholarships

I know, I know – grad students don’t exactly have a ton of excess money floating around, so you’re a little hesitant about ponying up the cash for the NEMA conference this fall.

You don’t have to go it alone, though! There are several scholarships available that will help pay to attend NEMA – and at least one of them provides preference to Tufts students. (The Laura B. Roberts Scholarship.)

Check out all the NEMA opportunities here. You submit one application, and they’ll consider you for all the scholarships for which you are qualified. Deadline is September 17, and they’ll notify in early October.

But why put all your eggs in one basket? Did you know that Tufts University offers travel funding to conferences for its graduate students? I was lucky enough to receive funding last winter to travel to Salt Lake City to attend a Program Committee meeting for AASLH – and I if I made the cut, then you definitely can!

Learn more about Tufts funding opportunities here.

Last but not least – consider other ways to subsidize your attendance. Split a hotel room with three or four other Tufts students. Sign up to volunteer. Carpool up in someone’s trunk backseat.

Moral of the story: you don’t want to miss this conference.

AASLH Online Conference

The American Association for State and Local History’s Annual Conference is an amazingly good time for museum & history professionals, but this year it’s being held all the way across the country from us in Salt Lake City, Utah.

If your student budget can’t stretch to cover airfare and the hotel, consider this terrific idea instead: attending the conference online. For a pretty low fee, you can get access to (in my opinion) some of the very best and most interesting sessions at the conference. If anyone is interested in splitting the group attendance fee at the member discount, let me know and perhaps we can arrange a Tufts viewing party!

Here’s what AASLH has to say:

Can’t come to Salt Lake City but still want to attend the AASLH Annual Meeting? You can still attend the Online Conference and attend six hot topic sessions from the 2012 Annual Meeting, plus featured speakers, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and Will Bagley!

Online Conference Sessions:

  • Too Important to Fail! Historic House Museums Meet Communities’ Needs
  • Bad Boards, Bad Boards, What’cha Gonna Do: Strategies for Fixing Poorly Functioning Museum Boards
  • Localizing Difficult Histories
  • The Changing Web: The Future of the (History) Website
  • Yield to On-Coming Traffic: No Stopping Strollers and Small Feet
  • What Do History Museums Really Need to Know About Their Visitors’ Experience?

Visit the Online Conference Website for more information and the full schedule.

  • $55 Individuals
  • $105 Individuals
  • $95 Group
  • $145 Group
  • $115 Group, multiple log ins
  • $175 Group, multiple log ins

Register Now!

Informational Interviews

As you progress through your museum career (or really any career!), getting advice from those who have been there and done that is crucial. Do you want to be a decorative arts curator? Then talk to other decorative arts curators, find out what they do every day, and how they got to where they are. Talk to more than one. Find  your own path with their examples as guides.

Here’s a great article about informational interviews: how to reach out and secure them, how to make sure they’re productive, and how they can help you.

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