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Category: Professional Development (Page 18 of 42)

Graduate Student Reception at the Boston Athanaeum

Tufts Adjunct Professor Margherita Desy sent us this ringing endorsement of an upcoming event at the Boston Athanaeum:

I have been a member of the Athenaeum for many years and often bring my collections management in as a field trip.  The Athenaeum’s collections run from fine arts (including paintings, sculpture and photography) and decorative arts, to rare books and manuscripts, to a vast circulating collection.  Exhibitions and lectures are held frequently.  I would highly recommend that graduate students in the Tufts Museum Studies program attend the reception or one of the many public tours provided by the Boston Athenaeum so that they may become familiar with this local treasure.   I should also mention that the Athenaeum has also hosted one of our Museum Studies student as an intern.

Sounds fantastic, right? Here are the details, and if anyone from Tufts attends, drop us a line and let us know how it went!

Graduate Student Reception
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

The Development Office of the Boston Athenaeum has established a group of
current graduate students who are also interested in the collections and
educational programs of the Boston Athenaeum.  If you would like to know
more about the Athenaeum and its historic collection, please join us for
this reception on September 12th at 5.30.  Please RSPV to Karen Beach at
beach[at]bostonathenaeum[dot]org – reservations are required and space is filling
up fast.

AAM Conference Opportunity for Graduate Students

From Greg Stevens at AAM, here’s a great opportunity for all current students and recent alums.

“For the upcoming AAM Annual Meeting 2013 in Baltimore (May 19-22, 2013), I’ve proposed a “Graduate Flash Showcase” session, and encourage you to share this opportunity with students and recent grads. We’ve held successful Graduate Flash Showcases for the past two years, and we anticipate this year to be great once again! If anyone is interested in joining this session, please comment on the proposal online, and contact me directly at gstevens@aam-us.org.  The deadline for all proposals is August 24.

http://www.aam-us.org/am13/?CFID=3740214&CFTOKEN=93254218 Proposal ID#125


Graduate Flash Showcase is a series of back-to-back mini-sessions (or 20-minute “Flashes”) on current programs, projects, or research presented by graduate students or recently-graduated emerging professionals with less than two years experience in the field. The showcase provides opportunities and benefits for both presenters and audience members.


After participating, presenters will be better able to:

  • Hone presentation skills in a professional setting
  • Share projects, papers, programs, or academic/professional experience
  • Receive invaluable feedback from colleagues in the field
  • Build professional presence/personal brand


After participating, attendees will be better able to:


  • Learn more about programs, projects, and research that may impact the future of the field
  • Gain exposure to skills and perspectives of students and emerging professionals


Guidelines for Presentations

Each “Flash” showcase will be timed, is limited to twenty minutes and will be divided into two segments:


  • Presentation of project, paper, research, program, etc. (<10 min.)
  • Audience interactivity or discussion (approx. 10 minutes)


Student projects, papers, or research should apply to museum practice and/or theory, or be based on topics from outside the field that impact museums (e.g.demographic trends, education theory, etc.).

Drinking about Museums

The next Drinking About Museums event is taking place tomorrow, July 18, at the Boston Children’s Museum. (To clarify, the museum visit is at the Children’s Museum; the alcohol will be consumed elsewhere.)

Meet at the Children’s Museum in the lobby a little before 5:00 p.m. More details on Ed Rodley’s blog. These are terrific events that are very accessible for emerging professionals, so go, check it out!

Reminder: One week from today, Boston EMPs event

If you haven’t signed up for this great event yet, you should definitely get right on that!

Understanding Government Job Applications
June 27, 6 p.m.
Northeast Museum Services Center, Charlestown Navy Yard
Interested in working for the government but daunted by all the paperwork, grade levels and bureaucracy that goes into applying? Come attend our June workshop: learn the basics of the application process and some of the reasons working for the government may or may not be for you!
Alicia Paresi has worked with the Northeast Museum Services Center, part of the National Park Services, for over 15 years. She is the curator of archeology collections and will talk about working for museums and programs operated by the government, some of the pros and cons of government work, and how to apply for your first government job.
The workshop will be at 6 p.m. on June 27 at the Northeast Museum Services Center in the Charlestown Navy Yard, Mass., near the USS Constitution Museum. Parking is available but needs to be arranged prior to arrival.
The discussion will be from 6-7 p.m., followed by a brief tour of the building, some of the current archaeological projects, and the archives from 7-7:30pm. If there is interest after the workshop we can get dinner or drinks and continue the conversation!
RSVPs are required for attendance. Please RSVP to BostonEMPs[at]gmail[dot]com by June 18 and note if you will be driving.
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