Exploring ideas and engaging in conversation

Category: Professional Development (Page 22 of 42)

Upcoming Emergency Preparedness Summit

Something about the idea of emergency preparedness appeals to the obsessively organized part of me. Do you feel the same? If so, you might want to check out this upcoming meeting.

New England Regional Summit

Emergency Preparedness for Cultural Institutions

COSTEP MA is pleased to announce a second summit meeting for the New England statewide emergency preparedness organizations representing cultural organizations. These organizations include Coordinated Statewide Emergency Preparedness (COSTEPs) and Alliance for Response groups in the region.

This meeting is open to the public and anyone interesting in learning more about emergency and disaster preparedness in their state is encouraged to attend.

·       Date: Friday, March 23, 2012

·       Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

·       Location: Public Affairs Center (PAC) Room 136, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT

·       RSVP: By March 9, 2012 to Veronica Martzahl at veronica.martzahl@tufts.edu

Current Agenda:

  • Local Reports from statewide groups
  • Update on HMGP grant (awarded and upcoming opportunities)
  • Outreach to regional professional organizations (NEMA, NEA, NELA)
  • New England Regional IPER roll-out
  • FEMA National Disaster Recovery Framework Stakeholder Forum review

Additional agenda items should be sent to Veronica Martzahl at veronica.martzahl@tufts.edu.

NEMA 2012 Workshops

The New England Museum Association has published their 2012 schedule of workshops. Take a look especially at the three workshops offered for young & emerging professionals; I attended all three last year, and really enjoyed them.

NEMA’s spring/summer workshop series is a popular source of professional development, providing you with in-depth learning opportunities that enhance your skill set and museum career.

For 2012, we’re offering 18 workshops throughout New England – more than ever! And to make them more affordable than ever, NEMA has created a special volume discount for members only.

Sign up for at least three workshops and you’ll receive a 20% discount off the member rate. And NEMA institutional members who send at least five employees or trustees to workshops also receive a 20% discount.

To take advantage of the discount, first browse the workshop listings below. Then click HERE if you’re an individual registering just yourself or HERE if you’re an institutional member registering multiple people.

I Do, I Don’t:  Functions at Historic Sites
Friday, March 16, 2012
Peabody Historical Society, Smith Barn
Peabody, MA
Historic Sites Management PAG

Museum Evaluation You Can Use
Monday, April 23, 2012
Springfield Museums
Springfield, MA
Children’s Museums PAG

Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Worcester Art Museum
Worcester, MA
Independent Museum Professionals PAG

Outdoor Exhibitions
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Heritage Museums and Gardens
Sandwich, MA
Exhibtions PAG

Building Support: From the Inside Out
Friday, May 18, 2012
Museum of Russian Icons
Clinton, MA
Membership, Development, Public Relations, and Marketing PAG

Management Skills for Non-Managers
Friday, May 25, 2012
Connecticut Historical Society
Hartford, CT
Supported in part by the Connecticut Humanities Council
Administration, Facilities & Services PAG

Hidden in Plain Sight: Examining Art from Alligatoring to X-Rays
Friday, June 8, 2012
Smith College Museum of Art
Northampton, MA
Conservators PAG

Teaching Among Experts: Redefining Museum Education in Academia
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage
Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown University
Providence, RI
College & University Museums PAG

Exhibits for the Small and Medium Sized Museums
Monday, September 17, 2012
Historic New England’s Collections Store Facility
Haverhill MA
Presented in partnership with Historic New England

Learn, Laugh, Love: Part II
A series of mini-workshops* from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Presented by the Young and Emerging Museum Professionals (YEP) PAG
* Each mini-workshop is $15 for NEMA Members, $25 for Non-Members. Members can register for all three mini-workshops for $40.
LEARN: To Museum Studies or not to Museum Studies? Considering Grad School and Your Career Goals
Wednesday, March 28
Metropolitan Waterworks Museum, Chestnut Hill, MA
LAUGH: From the Trenches: 10 Things I Wish I Had Not Learned the Hard Way
Thursday, April 12
Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the Boston Public Library, Boston, MA
LOVE: I Love My Job, But… Raises, Transitioning, and Advocating for More Responsibility
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Tufts University Art Gallery at the Aidekman Arts Center, Medford, MA

More on AASLH’s Museum Education Workshop

We already mentioned that there’s going to be a terrific AASLH workshop in Boston in March; here are some more details to tempt you to sign up.

The registration for AASLH’s Museum Education 101 workshop scheduled for March 15-16 in Boston, MA, is now open at www.aaslh.org/workshop.htm.  The workshop is hosted by Historic New England and will be held at the Otis House. Register by February 13 and save $20 on your registration fee.

What is Museum Education 101?
Museum Education 101 provides an overview of the role of education within museums from an experience–based perspective.  Seasoned educators direct conversations about museum education and what it is museum educators do.  Through interactive activities, hands-on training and case studies, participants will learn about volunteer management, docent training, tour techniques, active learning  with people of all ages, developing exhibits with visitors in mind, on-line education and working with others to build education programs. Participants will leave the workshop with information and materials they can take back to their organizations to adapt and use!

The themes of this workshop are based on the recent publication The Museum Educator’s Manual: Educators Share Successful Techniques, coauthored by instructors Huber and Grove along with Nancy Cutler, Anna Johnson, and Melissa Bingmann. A copy of this must-have education manual is included in the workshop registration.

Who Should Attend:
This workshop is ideally suited for staff (first-time museum educators, directors, tour guides or volunteer managers and mid-career professionals), museum studies students, or dedicated volunteers working in all types of museums  who are given the responsibility of education and public programming.  For more information including an agenda, visit http://www.aaslh.org/mused101.htm.

Cost: $280 members /$355 nonmembers; $20 discount if fee is received by February 13.

Early-Bird Registration Deadline is now February 13!!  You can register today at www.aaslh.org/workshop.htm.

Please contact Bethany Hawkins, Program Associate at hawkins@aaslh.org or 615-320-3203 if you have any questions about these or other upcoming workshops.

Call for Curatorial Proposals

Here’s a really intriguing opportunity to the art-focused among us. Would love to see a Tufts student take advantage of this!

CALL TO ARTISTS & CURATORS: Deadline: April 9, 2012.

THE NEW ART CENTER in Newton’s fantastic Curatorial Opportunity Program (COP) gives you the opportunity to experiment in a large, unique and alternative space. The program encourages the development of curators, including artists as curators! You can create a curatorial proposal for a group show (2 or more artists) and collaborate with the artists you have in mind. You also receive a $1,000 stipend, administrative and installation support, and get to exhibit in a 1,800 sq. ft. space with 25’ vaulted ceilings in a converted church! Wow!

For application and guidelines visit http://www.newartcenter.org/artist/opportunity.aspx?id=28.

Tufts Art History Graduate Research Conference

The Tufts University Art History Graduate Program would like to invite your students, faculty, and staff to attend its graduate student research conference. The theme of the conference is “Art and Exchange.” This year’s event will be held Saturday, March 10, 2012, from 9:30 to 3:45, with a keynote talk by Dennis Carr, Assistant Curator of Decorative Arts and Sculpture at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Breakfast and lunch will be served.

Please visit the event announcement for more details.

Kudos to the art history & museum students students who were involved in organizing this!

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