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Spaces still open in AASLH’s Project Managment for History Professionals Workshop

Heads up, Tufts – this is an AMAZING workshop, and there are still spaces left. I attended the session in Atlanta at the beginning of March, and it was a useful, practical, and ridiculously fun intro to the world of project management. I’ve already taken skills that I learned in the workshop back to my day job. Best of all? It’s free. And they give you a $200 travel stipend. So what are you waiting for? More info below.


Spaces Still Available for AASLH Project Management Workshop

Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, MO
April 12-14, 2011

AASLH is offering its Project Management for History Professionals workshop at the Missouri History Museum, April 12-14, 2011.

  • Workshop is one of twelve nation-wide workshops
  • 35 total hours of formal project management training
  • 24 hours of onsite workshop training
  • 11 hours of follow-up live webinar training
  • Qualifies professionals in the history field to sit for the project management certification exam through Project Management International (PMI).

The workshop is free for participants through a generous grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS). A $200 travel stipend is awarded to workshop participants when the follow-up webinar training is completed.

The goal of the program is to improve how history museums operate by:

  • Bringing in the expertise of certified project management trainers from outside of the discipline to teach the fundamentals of project management to history professionals;
  • Instructing history professionals in best practices for establishing project requirements and planning and organizing work to meet them;
  • Teaching skills that strengthen the processes history professionals apply in their everyday work including exhibitions, education programs, fundraising initiatives, special events, outreach activities, and collections-based projects.

These skills developed at AASLH’s Project Management Workshop are critical to the development of improved processes and, therefore, an institution’s improved ability to serve its community.

There are a limited number of slots still available for the workshop. Applications for the workshop will continue to be accepted until all workshop slots are filled.

Visit the Project Management Website for more information or contact:

Steve Hoskins
AASLH Project Coordinator

Know Your Professional Organizations: American Association for State and Local History

Next up in our continuing series is a more specialized organization. Don’t worry, we’ll be featuring organizations that cover all the wonderfully specific portions of the museum world as we go along!

So, for those historians out there: the American Association for State and Local History.

The AASLH, as it’s called, “provides leadership and support for its members who preserve and interpret state and local history in order to make the past more meaningful to all Americans.” That’s a huge mission, and the AASLH really does a great job of addressing its tenets.

Membership is $70 for a basic membership, and $30 for a student membership, but be aware with the student membership that you will only receive the newsletter, not the subscription to the quarterly History News. (You will get online access to History News, though.) Other benefits are the usual ones: reciprocal admission, professional development opportunities, and discounts on publications such as those from AltaMira Press.

Here’s the thing: the professional development opportunities are fantastic. The AASLH goes above and beyond to think of ways in which history and museum professionals need help, and then address them. They have a great series of workshops, both online and onsite. Their Seminar in Historical Administration (an intensive four week program focused on preparing history professionals for leadership and administration) is celebrating its 51st consecutive year in 2011, and counts among its alumni some of the top people in the field. Right now, they’re piloting a new program on project management for history professionals – all paid for if you apply and are accepted. (I’m attending in March in Atlanta, and will be blogging here about the experience, so watch this space!) They also have an intensive mentoring program.

They also have some really interesting programs and national initiatives, among them:

Spend some time on their website, apply for some of their professional development programs (there are still spots in the project management workshops, which are free AND offer a small travel stipend), and consider becoming a member. Even if you don’t necessarily consider yourself an historian, there’s a lot to like at the AASLH.

Resources for Weathering the Financial Storm from AASLH

At a panel at NEMA focused on emerging museum directors and professionals, one of the topics that the audience felt they had trouble finding resources about was finances.

I’ve just discovered that the American Association for State & Local History has put together a really excellent guide for museums and other nonprofits during our current difficult economic times.

Check it out: Resources for Weathering the Financial Storm

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