PAT Class of 2019 interns in front of their poster presentation. From left to right: Joseph Adjei, Amy Johnson, Jessica McBeth, and Mikaila Fini.
Another year and another Polymers for Advanced Technology internship is over. This year we had 4 interns all from Rochester Institute of Technology, majoring in Laboratory Science Technology, and Biochemistry. All 4 worked exceptionally hard to characterize a family of zwitterionic polymers provided to them by our collaborators over in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. They worked together to present their final results on June 28 before a packed classroom filled with members from Physics and Astronomy as well as Chemical and Biological Engineering. That’s quite an intimidating prospect, and they rose masterfully to the challenge. We will miss all 4 of them and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors!
For more information on their work please click here!