Month: August 2011 (Page 3 of 4)

Nov 13: MCAN’s Eleventh Annual Climate Action

When: Sunday, November 13

Where: Cambridge, MA

Please save the date for MCAN’s annual Climate Action Conference. MCAN’s excited to be partnering with Professor Larry Suskind of MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Professor Susskind is a nationally respected expert on environment negotiation. This partnership will allow for exploration of a new and critically important area for climate activists: how to reach consensus on climate action.

Details will follow soon, but meanwhile please hold the date aside in your calendar!

Oct 20-21: Carbon Smarts Conference

When: October 20-21

Where: University of Massachusetts Lowell Inn and Conference Center
Lowell, MA 01854


Early Bird Registration: Before September 1, 2011:

  • Students: $25
  • Regular: $60

Registration After September 1, 2011:

  • Students: $40
  • Regular: $90

Please join us as experts representing marketing, communication, risk analysis, science education, mass transit, informal learning, and atmospheric research share their experience and ideas on how to improve the public’s understanding of climate change science with special attention given to new digital tools.

The conference focuses on developing discourse between academic and industry personnel with a goal of laying a foundation for more creative, collaborative, and effective initiatives through examination of the potential of Out of Home Media(mass transit, billboards, posters, smart phone apps., radio, etc.) to foster informal science learning about climate change among the commuting adult population.

For more information, please see

If you have any questions, please contact David Lustick.
Phone: 978-934-4644

Sep 17: Mass Climate Action Network Dance Party!

When: Saturday, Sept. 17, 6 to 10 p.m.

Where: Somerville Dilboy VFW Post #529, 371 Summer St., in Davis Square, across from the Rosebud Diner and two blocks from the Davis Square T–Station.

Tickets: $10 in advance/$15 at the door.  Contact Fred Schlicher at 781.395.7207 or

Celebrate MCAN’s first decade! Dance party with sustainable band Melodeego. Enjoy a cash bar, snacks, refreshments, and a bit of inspiration from a select group of MCAN chapters that are leading the way.

Aug 26: MCAN’s Walk-Ride Day

When: August 26

Walk/Ride Days occur on the last Friday of every month.  On these days, people everywhere are invited to Go Green (walk, bike, use public transit, skate, canoe, etc.)  and Wear Green… then celebrate and get rewarded!

Join the Mass Climate Action Network’s monthly community-wide party, which celebrates “green” transportation, gives people an opportunity to make community connections, and promotes a festive local atmosphere.

More info at

Boston GreenFest

When: August  18-20

Where: see schedule of events:

The region’s largest multicultural environmental festival, Boston GreenFest celebrates the many ways we can create a better world by greening our lives and our communities. We can have fun at the same time!

Get more info, sign up to participate or volunteer or make a donation at Boston GreenFest.

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