Month: August 2011 (Page 4 of 4)

NOFA Summer Conference

WHEN: August 12, 13, 14, 2011

WHERE: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA


REGISTRATION: email, or call Kathleen or Siedeh: (413) 230-7835.

Register for an entire weekend of keynote speeches, over 225 workshops, a country fair, farmers’ market, over 100 exhibitors and vendors, a children’s conference, a teen conference, live entertainment and silent auction. Keynote speakers include perennial-edibles expert and award-winning author, Eric Toensmeier, and professor and anti-GMO activist Dr. Ignacio Chapela.
Workshop topics for 2011 include: Alternative Energy and the Environment; Animal Power; Animals, Crops, Farm Economics and Management, Farming and the Community, Food and Family, Food and Farm Education,  Food Preservation and Cooking, Fruits, Nuts, and Trees; Garden and Greenhouse, Herbs, Land Care, Nutrition and Health, Of the Spirit, Politics and Policy, Practical Skills, Soil and Fertility, and Urban Agriculture. Most workshops are held in and around the UMass Amherst campus.

Can’t go to the entire conference? No problem. Go for one day, or one night. Discounts for early registration.

Organic Lawns & Landscapes Refresher Workshops – Aug 12 & 19

NOFA/Mass will host two “Organic Lawns & Landscapes Refresher” workshops, on Friday, August 12 from 8am to Noon at UMass Amherst, Campus Center Room 904-908, with Chip Osborne, in conjunction with the NOFA Summer Conference; and again Friday, August 19 from 9am to 1pm at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge in Newburyport, with Javier Gil. Practical skills and problem solving will be the focus of these four-hour intensive workshops. Beginning with an overview of the systems approach to organic landscaping; soil testing; soil amendments; managing nutrition; grass types; and compost tea, Osborne and Gil will then delve into practical solutions for real-life landscape problems. Case study examples will be explored in depth within small groups, with the goal of boosting students’ hands-on knowledge of organic lawns and landscaping and how to transition to organic management with success, cost-efficiency and grace.

Cost: $100 for the general public; $75 for NOFA members and NOFA AOLCPs. Register online at More info: Kathy Litchfield at (413) 773-3830 or

Design 2050: Beyond Disasters, Through Solidarity, Towards Sustainability

The World Congress of Architecture, a triennial event made up of lectures, competitions, exhibitions and workshops, has settled on the theme of sustainability and the future for this September/October’s congress.  The theme, titled “Design 2050: Beyond Disasters, Through Solidarity, Towards Sustainability” aims to explore the role of designers and architects in achieving a more sustainable future. Check out this link to read more on the Congress.

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