When: November 9th, 5-7pm
Where: Life Sciences & Engineering Auditorium, B01, 24 Cummington Street (Boston University)
Captain Charles Moore discovered the Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch and brought it to world attention. He wrote a book called ” Plastic Ocean: How a Sea Captain’s Chance Discovery Launched a Determined Quest to Save the Oceans” and is on a book tour now. http://www.ted.com/talks/capt_charles_moore_on_the_seas_of_plastic.html
Milo Cress launched a campaign to raise awareness about waste based on a single item – straws. Restaurants often give straws with drinks without asking if you want one. At age nine he began with local restaurants in Vermont where he lives and launched a website: http://bestrawfree.org/ He has gone on to speak with with mayors, the governor of Vermont, the congressional delegation in Washington and he spoke at FYSOP this summer and was very well received.
**The talks will be followed by a Captain Moore book signing.
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