AASHE has partnered with Earth Day Network for the launch of MobilizeU, an international collegiate competition calling upon students to mobilize their campus communities around four weeks of environmental activism surrounding Earth Day 2012 (March 29 – April 29). Students worldwide are encouraged to join the movement as a regional coordinator or school coordinator and organize activities including campus clean-ups, new voter registration drives and Earth Day events. Coordinators will share a photo or video documenting their efforts on the MobilizeU Facebook page.
Hi all,
Great to see this posting about MobilizeU! It would be GREAT to have Tufts on board as an official participating university.
All it takes is one student to sign up as the Tufts MobilizeU School Coordinator at: http://www.earthday.org/JoinMobilizeU
It’s a low time commitment, you can team up with environmental groups on campus to generate acts of green, and it’s an amazing way to join an international movement of university environmental activists.
Visit http://www.earthday.org/MobilizeU for more information, or contact MobilizeU@earthday.org with any questions!
Hope to see Tufts mobilized soon!