Month: March 2012 (Page 7 of 10)

Feb 21: President Monaco’s Sustainability Council


Over the past few weeks, sustainability has been making headlines at Tufts!

Propelled by President Tony Monaco’s initiative to make sustainability one of his top priorities and the creation of the action-oriented Sustainability Council, “sustainability” has become the new buzzword at Tufts.

We here at the Office of Sustainability couldn’t be more excited about the growing interest in our area of expertise — not to mention the news coverage! If you’ve missed the stream of recent Tufts Daily articles, here’s a taste: a story about the Sustainability Council.

Speaking of that new authority on campus, you can find more information about the Council on Campus Sustainability on our website. Have comments, ideas or suggestions? The Council wants to hear them, and you can submit your message through this document.
Let’s keep the ball rolling!

–Anne Elise
Communications Intern
Office of Sustainability

Feb 13: Energy Competitions like TEC


From climate change to a growing energy demand in developing countries, there is no doubt we face major energy and environmental challenges in the coming future. For those who want to explore these issues without ever leaving the Medford campus, consider attending the 2012 Tufts Energy Conference (TEC). From two small panel sessions back in 2006, TEC has grown to become one of the largest, entirely student-run conferences in New England. Led by a seasoned team of conference planners and a support network of many esteemed advisers, the conference attracts leading minds in the energy industry and interested students to discuss applications of innovative ideas to the most pertinent energy challenges of today.

TEC 2012 will be held on April 20-21 this year with the theme “Transforming the Global Energy Debate: From Challenges to Solutions.” The conference has also launched its second annual Tufts Energy Competition, a celebration of innovative student-driven solutions to energy challenges. Winners of the competition will receive up to $3,000 to implement their proposal. If you haven’t had a chance to read through the competition guidelines, move fast! The due date for proposals is March 1st.

Feb 6: Tufts Dental School awarded LEED Gold Certification


In the dead of winter when the greenery around us has turned to gray and most people just want to hunker down in a comfy chair with a hot mug of cocoa, sustainability is probably one of the things hibernating in the farthest corners of our minds. And yet, our work goes on.

Just last week, Tufts earned its second LEED* Gold certification with the Dental School’s Level 2 renovation project. (The first one was Sophia Gordon Hall.) The new Campus Sustainability Council chaired by President Tony Monaco also held its first meeting.
It’s easy to jump right back into the sustainability community! Get involved with the Tufts Sustainability Collective (TSC), which is holding a general meeting TONIGHT at 8pm in Tisch 304. TSC has four branches – Tufts Bikes, Tom Thumb’s Garden, Students for a Just and Stable Future (SJSF), and the Sustainable Action Squad – plus its newest addition,Food for Thought, a club dedicated to creating a dialogue and action plan for foodies in the Tufts community.

This Wednesday, don’t miss the annual “Rumble in the Jungle” between Professors Bruce Everett and Bill Moomaw. The “environmental duel of the year” will tackle issues on climate change and environmental policy.
Although January treated us well with days in the 50s and minimal sleet and snow, we cannot overlook the undesirable changes they foreshadow. It’s good to know that at Tufts, there’s plenty of opportunities to get involved. Hope to see you at this week’s events!

-Anne Elise
Communications Intern
Office of Sustainability

*Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design system by the US Green Building Council

Jan 30: Winter CSA comes to Tufts


If you made any promises to eat more vegetables in 2012, you are in luck because a winter CSA is coming to Tufts! You may have heard of these “farm shares” before – CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture”. By buying  a share at the beginning of the season, you get a box of fresh local produce delivered to the Tufts campus every week from February to April. Find out more about prices and sizes on our blog, sign up online or attend the general interest meeting tonight (Jan 30) at 9PM in Eaton 209.

Look out for more exciting sustainability news as the Campus Sustainability Council chaired by President Tony Monaco gets underway. The Council met for the first time this morning and is in the process of setting goals in the areas of waste, water and energy. We will continue to post updates on the council’s website in the months ahead.

Have a lovely week and stay green!

– Fannie

Mar 12: The Legacy of Love Canal: Environmental Justice and Social Change

March 12, Lecture: 12:00 pm, Eaton 206;
Film Screening: A Fierce Green Fire, 7:00 pm, Barnum 008, Medford Campus

Featuring Lois Gibbs, the Executive Director for the Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) and Stephen Lester, the CHEJ Science Director as they talk about environmental activism and the media. Sponsored by the Center for Media Studies (CMS) and the Environmental Studies Program (ENVS). That same evening, they return to campus to screen the film A Fierce Green Fire. Visit for more information on the film.

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