Want to make a difference in your community? Join us Saturday April 21st for the annual Charles River Cleanup! Last year, over 3,000 volunteers worked to remove 50 tons of trash along the 80 mile stretch of the Charles River from Boston to Bellingham! Please join us to pick up trash and improve the appearance of the Charles and surrounding open spaces! We provide clean-up supplies, snacks, and a free T-shirt for volunteers. Please bring your own reusable water bottle.
Sign up online or call 781-788-0007 x 303. For more information about the cleaup please visit www.charlesriver.org
Starts: 4/21/2012 9:00 AM
Ends: 4/21/2012 12:00 PM
Location(s): Boston
URL: www.charlesriver.org
Contact information: 781-788-0007 x303
Cost: Free
Attachments: 2012_Flier.pdf
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