Month: May 2015 (Page 1 of 3)

Yale Food Systems Symposium: Request for Proposals

Third Annual Yale Food Systems Symposium
New Alliances That Shape a Food Movement 
Yale University, October 30 – 31, 2015

Request for Proposals

People in food movements around the world envision a future where our food systems restore degraded ecosystems, mitigate and adapt to climate change, improve community health, and facilitate more equitable economic exchange. To realize this ambitious vision we must encourage and support novel, collaborative, and holistic problem-solving approaches. We want to bring a diverse group of people and approaches together at this Food Systems Symposium such as those in the public health community who seek to increase access to fresh vegetables in urban centers; land conservationists who wish to preserve farmland; legal scholars who identify avenues of policy change; and immigration reformers who advocate for farm workers.

This year’s conference seeks to foster new alliances that will encourage crosscutting conversations, innovative thinking, and actionable strategies. Eaters across the nation struggle to find wholesome food choices that nourish their bodies without endangering important environmental and social resources. A true coalition will bring expertise across disciplines to creatively solve the otherwise intractable problems of food security and access, social justice, public health, environmental stewardship, and safety. These alliances and the common goal of an improved food system will serve as the guiding focus for the 2015 Yale Food Systems Symposium.

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5 Ways to Stay Zero Waste at the President’s Picnic

President's Picnic Prep


We don’t know about you, but we’re getting pretty excited about the President Monaco’s annual summer celebrations! Each year after Commencement, the President’s Office hosts a picnic/ice cream social for staff, faculty, and students on each of the Tufts campuses.  As part of Tufts’ ongoing commitment to sustainability, the event on the Medford campus will be zero waste again this year. Efforts will also be made to reduce waste at the Boston and Grafton events.

Whether you are attending the event on the Boston, Grafton, or Medford campus, you can reduce your waste by planning ahead! We recommend that you BYOP – Bring Your Own (reusable) Placesetting (plate/bowl, utensils, etc.).  If you BYOP to any of the events, you’ll have the chance to win a prize from the Office of Sustainability.

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Summer Intern Positions, MA Dept of Energy Resources (Massachusetts)

The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) develops and implements policies and programs aimed at ensuring the adequacy, security, diversity, and cost-effectiveness of the Commonwealth’s energy supply within the context of creating a clean energy future. DOER is part of the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA).

Application Deadline: N/A
Apply Online



2015 Transportation Survey Results

In order to comply with Massachusetts regulations and reduce Tufts’ greenhouse gas emissions from commuting and university vehicles, the Operations Division and the Office of Sustainability survey members of the Tufts community each year about their transportation habits.  Members of the Tufts community were randomly selected to participate in a short survey containing general questions about current and future transportation at Tufts. 4,800 people participated in the survey, representing an overall response rate of 34%.

The final survey results can be viewed here.

The graph below shows the response rate per population per campus:

survey response rate

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