Day: May 19, 2015

Program Director, Solar Tompkins (Tompkins County, NY)

The Solar Tompkins Board of Directors is now conducting a search for a uniquely qualified and talented individual to hire as Program Director for this year’s HeatSmart Tompkins program. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate in a limited term project that involves encouraging up to 100 homeowners within Tompkins County to convert to heat pump technologies and/or undertake building efficiency measures through an effective program that optimizes the customer experience and simplifies what can otherwise be a complex set of decisions. The Program Director’s contract position is for the approximate period June 29, 2015 – July 15, 2016.

The Program Director will be directly involved with the Solar Tompkins Board of Directors in shaping the program to achieve those goals, and will be responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of the program.

This is an exciting initiative for Tompkins County, and a rare opportunity for the right individual to make a difference in the transitioning of our community to a clean energy future. 

Application Deadline:  3:00 PM (EST) Friday, May 22, 2015.
Apply Online


Middlesex Fells Outreach Opportunity, CCEP (Middlesex County, MA)

On June 10th, the students and teachers of Medford High School will be participating in a stewardship event organized by the Community Conservation Education Partnership (CCEP) from 10 am -12 pm with lunch and music to follow.  The CCEP is a committee of local organizations including Medford High School, Eagle Eye Institute, the Friends of the Middlesex Fells Reservation, MA DCR, USDA Forest Service, US EPA, and Tufts University.  The CCEPaims to connect the entire Medford High School community (students, teachers, and parents alike) to the Middlesex Fells Reservation through innovative in-school and after-school outdoor education, field research, and enrichment activities.  If you are a supporter of outdoor education, please consider participating in this outreach event to show your support.

Volunteers can simply agree to assist a teacher with a small group of approximately 20 students on a specific task in the Fells, such as identifying different plant species in the area or removing an invasive plant species in a designated area.  Volunteers are also welcome to lead a group of students in an activity such as reading Thoreau in the Lawrence Woods or guiding a group of students to a location to capture the scene with photography, poetry, or any form of art.

Any idea for a project is welcome; the CCEP wants these projects to be diverse in content to pique the interest of all of the community members of Medford High School!

Application Deadline:  Any suggestion for a project will need prior approval by the CCEP and Headmaster of Medford High School preferably by May 21st.  

Application Details: If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Karen O’Hagan at karen.ohagan[at] with a short description of your project idea or just your willingness to assist a Medford High School teacher by spending 2 hours outside along a trail with a group of high school students.