Day: September 24, 2015

Student Mentor, Education First, (Cambridge, MA)

EF Education First in Cambridge are organizing the fourth annual Global Challenge student competition at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (CRLS). It’s a three-month high school competition designed to provide experiential, project-based learning opportunities for CRLS students while tackling locally relevant issues. This year, we are asking students to develop innovative plans to reduce energy use in Cambridge as part of the City’s effort to win the Georgetown University Energy Prize.

The mentors coach the students and help them create realistic, implementable projects:

  • The time commitment for a mentor is approx. five hours divided into two-three sessions between early October and early December.
  • The sessions will be held at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School.
  • Mentors are welcome to dedicate more time throughout the competition or attend the final event, although this is not required.
  • We will assign mentors to student team(s) and facilitate the entire process. Within a couple weeks, we will have the final dates and times confirmed.
Contact Stephanie Chen Schmidt at 1-800-457-1300 if you are interested in applying.

Community Educator, Cambridge Recycling, (Cambridge, MA)

Have you heard the good news? The one year curbside compost pilot program was so successful, that the City is expanding free weekly curbside pickup of food scraps to 5000 more households in the Monday collection route beginning October 19, 2015.

Cambridge Recycling is seeking 40-50 volunteers for up to 4 weeknights (Oct 8, 13, 14, 15) to assist in spreading the exciting news about the expansion of curbside pickup of food scraps in the Monday route. Please share this opportunity with those who want to help our community become more green and sustainable.

Apply Online