Month: September 2015 (Page 3 of 7)

Community Educator, Cambridge Recycling, (Cambridge, MA)

Have you heard the good news? The one year curbside compost pilot program was so successful, that the City is expanding free weekly curbside pickup of food scraps to 5000 more households in the Monday collection route beginning October 19, 2015.

Cambridge Recycling is seeking 40-50 volunteers for up to 4 weeknights (Oct 8, 13, 14, 15) to assist in spreading the exciting news about the expansion of curbside pickup of food scraps in the Monday route. Please share this opportunity with those who want to help our community become more green and sustainable.

Apply Online

Global Warming Campus Internship, Environment Massachusetts

Application deadline: September 30, 2015

“Global warming is happening and we’re seeing the effects all around us — from  dangerous heat waves and droughts to last winter’s snowstorms. And scientists warn it could get much worse unless we act soon.

“The good news: we have the solutions. Solar power is taking off, and we’re beginning to harvest energy from the winds off our shores.

“But powerful interests, including utility companies and the fossil fuel industry, are threatening to stop clean energy in its tracks.

“We’re looking for smart, hard-working students to build the people power it will take to repower Massachusetts with clean energy. Interns will work 4-7 hours per week from campus.”

Learn more and apply.

Public Policy Intern, Environmental League of Massachusetts (Boston)

The Environmental League of Massachusetts (ELM) is seeking a part-time public policy intern. This is an excellent opportunity to work in a small non-profit advocacy setting and contribute to statewide environmental policymaking.

This position is unpaid and requires 15-30 hours per week, September 2015 through May 2016.

Requirements: Junior or Senior, recent college graduate, or graduate student.

Learn more.

Student Communications Assistant, GDAE (Medford, MA)

GDAE is the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University.

The Communications Assistant will work with GDAE’s Outreach Coordinator to help maintain and expand our outreach efforts. Job duties will include: design flyers and outreach materials, assist with event planning, track media mentions, maintain database of email subscribers in MailChimp, help prepare a weekly GDAE News email in MailChimp, and other projects as assigned.

An ideal candidate is an undergraduate student with work-study funding. This is a flexible 6-10 hrs/week position. Pay will be $10-12/hour depending on experience.

Learn more. 

Student Research Assistant, GDAE (Medford, MA)

The research assistant will work with the Research Coordinator on updating research and basic graphic design materials for the economic and environmental education texts published by the Theory and Education department at the Global Development and Environment Institute (GDAE) at Tufts University. In addition, they will help to prepare and organize GDAE’s Social Science Library Project (a project developed in conjunction with the United Nations Decade for Education for Sustainable Development) through which educational resources are distributed to university libraries in developing countries around the world.
This is a paid position with a flexible 5-12 hours/week.

Learn more. 

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