Month: October 2015 (Page 5 of 6)

Program Manager, Renewable Energy Production, MassCEC (Boston, MA)

The Program Manager; Renewable Energy Production is responsible for the timely, accurate, and complete registration process and the production management process for wind, hydroelectric, and biomass renewable energy types, with a particular focus on photovoltaic, or PV, energy.

MassCEC, designated by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER), is the Independent Third Party Meter Reader for the purpose of providing verification of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) for qualified generators.  Production activities are completed through the extensive use of the Production Tacking System (PTS). The PTS additionally provides MassCEC with the information necessary to monitor and evaluate the performance of renewable energy systems and the effectiveness of renewable energy programs.

Application Deadline: Saturday, October 17, 2015
Learn more.

Energy Manager, Smith College

Develop and implement a comprehensive approach for the management of energy consumption at Smith College. Continually improve energy efficiency, reduce energy consumption, reduce the college’s greenhouse gas emissions, and align this program with available utility, state, federal, and regional utility incentive programs.  Achieve results through cooperation and collaboration with other offices including Facilities Management and the Office of Campus Sustainability.

Learn more.

Environmental Program Manager, TD Bank (Boston, MA or Mt. Laurel, NJ/Philadelphia area)

Reporting to the Innovation and Transformation Director this position is accountable for implementation of environmental strategies within the North American real estate footprint as a part of the ERE E&S Team.

Established five years ago, the ERE E&S team’s focus has been on engraining sustainability in the business as usual practices of the organization. The team has been successful at significantly impacting design and operations and as a result ERE has been recognized for its environmental accomplishments by the EPA, ICSC, CoreNET and USGBC chapters.

Real estate accounts for approximately eighty percent of TD’s carbon emissions, with travel responsible for the remaining twenty percent. The E&S Team has helped ERE be a leader in carbon reduction. While the team collaborates closely with TD Environment, Green IT and Travel, it is ultimately responsible for real estate energy/water/waste reduction activities. TD and its facility management partner entered into a unique Vested Outsourcing agreement in 2014 which includes a dedicated team focused on energy/water/waste reduction tactics and data analytics. As such, our E&S Team has evolved out of day to day tactics into a strategic practice group. This position is instrumental in continuing the work to push TD ERE to the next level of environmental performance. This position is a necessary component of the E&S Team and the organization as we raise the bar of our environmental strategy and increase impact.

The ideal candidate demonstrates key behaviors of trust, transparency and listening, is a relationship builder, comfortable working with colleagues and vendor partners at all levels, but is also able to dive into details and data analytics and have the ability to bring relevance to data to drive action.

The position will work in partnership with TD Environment and other internal business groups and external partners as required. The position, as it pertains to Enterprise Real Estate accountabilities, will also be responsible for providing subject matter expertise on environmental matters / issues and, as directed, to provide appropriate leadership and support to cross functional areas to ensure all key stakeholder interests are appropriately aligned, managed and major deliverables are met.

Application Deadline: Saturday, October 17, 2015
Apply Online

Climate Fellow, The Boston Harbor Association (Boston, MA)

We currently seek a student as a GIS support/technician to join us for the fall semester to work on our coastal flood prevention and climate preparedness work. Job Description: Provide spatial data support to various climate preparedness projects, including some or all of the following tasks: . Customize flood maps for specific Boston neighborhoods.  

Email for more information.

Study Abroad, UWM, (Havana, Cuba)

The program is an intense study of the City of Havana and the forces that have shaped it for the last 500 years.  The academic focus of the program includes: Historic Preservation of eighteenth and nineteenth century colonial buildings in Havana Vieja and Havana Centro; The development of urban agriculture and sustainable urban farming in Havana and the eclectic architecture style of Havana.

Application Deadline: Thursday, October 1, 2015
Apply Online
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