Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) seeks qualified candidates for an intern position for its DesignLights
Consortium® (DLC) project either for the semester, or full-time. Interns will work with the DLC team, reporting to the
DLC Program Manager. This job is based in Lexington, MA. Reliable transportation is helpful. Public transport is limited,
but available. Some field travel is also possible.
DLC is the industry’s resource for information and cutting edge technical expertise on energy efficient commercial solid
state lighting solutions. The DLC Qualified Products List (QPL) is NEEP’s largest initiative, serving as a key resource for
energy efficiency incentive programs throughout the US and Canada by distinguishing high performing and energy
saving lighting products from the rest. DLC engages its members (utilities and other energy efficiency programs) with
government agencies, lighting experts, lighting product manufacturers, and lighting testing labs to establish technical
requirements that manufacturers must meet to list their products on the QPL.
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