Month: February 2016 (Page 2 of 3)

2016 Sustainable Communities and Campuses Conference, (Pioneer Valley, MA)

The annual Sustainable Communities and Campuses Conference connects stakeholders from municipalities, college campuses, government, businesses and nonprofits. Everyone learning about best practices, current trends, and resources will find this conference timely, practical and valuable.

In 2016 the two conferences are held two days: April 15 at Hampshire College, and April 16 in Northampton, MA.

Registration Deadline: March 11, 2016
See more information or Register online

Sustainable Summer ’16, University of Hawaii, (Honolulu, HI)

Hawai‘i has been selected by the International Union for Conservation of Nature to host its World Conservation Congress in September 2016.

The IUCN Congress brings together several thousand leaders and decision-makers from government, civil society, indigenous peoples, business, and academia, with the goal of conserving the environment and harnessing the solutions nature offers to global challenges.

In advance of the IUCN Congress, during summer 2016, the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Summer Sessions is pleased to offer an array of programs focusing on conservation and sustainability.


For more information:

Work-study, Medford Office of Energy & Environment, (Medford, MA)

The Medford Office of Energy & Environment is looking for a work-study student for the spring semester. The Office of Energy and Environment is responsible for overseeing and implementing environmentally sound programs in the City of Medford. The E&E office works on climate change protection, wetlands protection, open space conservation, to improve energy efficiency, and storm water outreach. The Office is also spearheading the resiliency and adaptation planning for the City of Medford.
General office help is needed and frequently involves collecting energy use data from municipal sources and keeping it updated in state and federal databases as well as updating the website and helping residents. Site visits to environmental projects throughout the city occur spontaneously throughout the year. In the spring and summer, help is needed to organize and run Medford’s Harvest Your Energy Festival and the Medford Green Awards. In addition, there are frequently residential outreach programs that need coordination.


To Apply: Email a copy of your resume and letter of interest to Alicia Hunt, Director of Energy & Environment, at

Campaign Organizer, Impact, (Various Locations)

Our mission is to create the grassroots action, energy and power it takes to make an impact on important issues. We’re working on national campaigns to reduce global warming pollution, restore Clean Water Act protections to America’s streams, expand solar power across the country, end the overuse of antibiotics on factory farms, and counter the influence of Super PACs and billionaires over our elections.

Your campaign assignment will depend in part on where you applied to work and what issue we can make the biggest difference on in that state. For example, you might build the coalition that convinces a wavering senator in your state to vote the right way on crucial Clean Water Act protections. Or you could organize the news event that convinces the governor in your state that “going big on solar” is an opportunity to be a hero with the public.

The target annual compensation for this position is $25,500 in the first year and $27,000 in the second year. Impact offers a competitive benefits package. We also offer an excellent training program and opportunities for advancement.

Application Deadline: February 14, 2016
Apply Online or contact Michelle Hesterberg, Impact Recruitment Director, at

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Leuphana University, (Lüneburg, Germany)

The positions are part of a new, transdisciplinary project funded by the State of Lower Saxony and Volkswagen Foundation entitled “Educating Future Change Agents – Higher Education as a Motor of the Sustainability Transformation”.

About the Project
Higher education for sustainable development supports future change agents in acquiring competencies necessary for undertaking the societal transition towards sustainability. The range of competencies considered critical for change agents in sustainability can be summarized in a small set of key competencies. Conveyance and acquisition of key competencies in sustainability would ideally happen on two levels. The first is the level of courses, with their topics, learning objectives, pedagogies, and assessments. The second, complementary level is the level of curricula, which is composed of courses and also includes cross-cutting programs and pedagogies (e.g., problem-based learning programs), embedded in particular institutional cultures.

There are two postdoctoral associate positions, each focusing on a different project aspect. You will be expected to work closely with the research consortium, including one other postdoctoral associate (level of curricula), four Principal Investigators, and five PhD students.

Application Deadline: February 8, 2016
Apply Online
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