Amir Farmers serve as garden-educators at one of our partner camps during the summer, building productive gardens and farms with campers. Leveraging Amir’s educational curriculum, Amir Farmers use the garden space to teach about issues of social justice and fairness. Farmers will be trained and build bonds with staff working across the US and Canada at the annual training seminar in late May. At this training, Farmers will learn all aspeects of building a community garden, as well as how to use Amir’s Garden Manual and Curriculum to run programming for campers of all ages.
Amir Farmers have strong management and leadership skills, mentoring and education experience, and passion for food justice and environmental stewardship.
Transportation, room and board costs are all covered by Amir, and camp salary is competitive and consummate with experience.
For more information, contact Recruitment Coordinator Alex Goldfarb at
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