Month: March 2016 (Page 1 of 3)

Amir is Searching for Passionate Young Adults to Lead Camp Farms/Gardens

Amir Farmers serve as garden-educators at one of our partner camps during the summer, building productive gardens and farms with campers. Leveraging Amir’s educational curriculum, Amir Farmers use the garden space to teach about issues of social justice and fairness. Farmers will be trained and build bonds with staff working across the US and Canada at the annual training seminar in late May. At this training, Farmers will learn all aspeects of building a community garden, as well as how to use Amir’s Garden Manual and Curriculum to run programming for campers of all ages.

Amir Farmers have strong management and leadership skills, mentoring and education experience, and passion for food justice and environmental stewardship.

Transportation, room and board costs are all covered by Amir, and camp salary is competitive and consummate with experience.

For more information, contact Recruitment Coordinator Alex Goldfarb at

Sustainability Program Coordinator, University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT)

The University of Connecticut is seeking applicants for a full-time Sustainability Program Coordinator in support of sustainability-related education, research and outreach goals and in furtherance of improved environmental performance in operational practices.

Application deadline: April 20, 2016

Learn more and apply. (Search under Staff Positions with Job Reference ID# 2016475.)

Join the Tufts Freecycle Elist


In the 2013 Campus Sustainability Council Report, Tufts committed to increasing the amount of items that are reused at the university as part of its broader waste reduction efforts and commitment to fostering a cradle-to-cradle economy. Tufts’ Freecycle Elist was created by Eco-Ambassador Stacie Simon and is an important tool for increasing the reuse of items at the university by diverting still functional equipment, furniture, and supplies from the waste stream.

The elist provides a platform for exchanging items that individuals or offices at Tufts no longer need but might be of use to others, and it is open to all members of the Tufts community. The elist can be used for the exchange of work-related items or personal items – all for free.

Examples of items that might be exchanged include the following:

  • AV equipment (not owned by TTS)
  • Lab equipment (not owned by school)
  • Office lamps
  • Bookshelves and filing cabinets
  • Computer chairs
  • Appliances for kitchenettes/breakrooms
  • Personal copiers/printers
  • Office workstations and desks
  • Conference tables
  • Area rugs
  • Office supplies (e.g. printer cartridges, file folders)
  • Children’s items and toys
  • Personal electronics (e.g. printers, TVs)
  • Home furniture

Click here to sign up for the elist, and search for the Freecycle list. Once you have subscribed to the list, you will be able to send messages to the group regarding items you would like to freecycle and receive messages from others. Messages should include an item description, location, and photo (if available).

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