Day: March 16, 2016

4 Quick Tips to Keep Your Dorm Room Green During Spring Break

Spring break is finally upon us, and many of us can’t wait to head out for some much needed R&R. But whether you’re heading home, hitting the beach somewhere warmer, taking a road trip or going off the grid for a few days of hiking, don’t forget that all the systems that make your dorm room comfortable when school is in session keep working even when you aren’t!

If you’re leaving campus for the week, take a second while you pack or prep to go over this mini-checklist. Help ensure that your dorm room or apartment is using as little energy as possible while you’re away.

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Not only will this help reduce heat loss, it’s also a good precaution to take in case of heavy rain and wind.

If you’re able to control your room temperature, turn it down to about 65 degrees, or slightly cooler than you normally keep it. You’ll be able to quickly bring your room back up to temperature when you return. (But fingers crossed that it’ll be warm enough that you won’t need to!)

(via Tufts Photo)


3. Report any leaking faucets.

Alert Facilities to the leak before you leave. Small drips add up!

(Photo via

4. Unplug any non-essential appliances.

Don’t worry about your refrigerator, but if you have a coffee machine, toaster, alarm clock, desk lamp, hair dryer, game console or other appliance which doesn’t need to stay on during the break, unplug it to reduce phantom energy loss.

(Photo via


Sustainability Communications Coordinator, University of Richmond (Virginia)

Building on a strong foundation of campus sustainability progress, the Sustainability Communications Coordinator is responsible for handling the Office for Sustainability’s multimedia communications efforts in multiple formats, including the web, social media, and print. The coordinator will also support the Office for Sustainability with event planning and scheduling. This is a 20-hour per week position.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

Learn more and apply.