Month: May 2016 (Page 1 of 3)

Inventory Intern, Sustainable Melrose Coalition, (Melrose, MA)

The Sustainable Melrose Coalition climate action group is seeking a part-time (approx 8-10 hrs/week) graduate student intern for the summer to perform a greenhouse gas inventory for the City of Melrose. The internship will involve data collection and analysis, documentation, developing information graphics, drafting a report and the opportunity to present findings to municipal groups and officials. Attendance at a small number of meetings will be required but otherwise all work can be performed offsite and on the intern’s schedule. A small stipend will be provided.

Application Deadline: Thursday, June 30th
Contact Susan Murphy at for information on how to apply.

Climate Action Plan Intern, Department of Economic Development, (Worcester, MA)

Division of Planning & Regulatory Services is seeking a motivated intern with excellent analytical and writing skills and strong interest in sustainability to assist Sustainability Project Manager with updating the City’s Climate Action Plan and providing administrative and research support for the Energy Task Force.

Application Deadline: Position open until filled.
Apply Online

5 Ways Students Impacted Sustainability at Tufts in 2015

5 ways

Student efforts contribute to a culture of sustainability at Tufts in many ways. Your actions are invaluable, no matter how large or small! What you do each day affects Tufts’ environmental impact — whether you are participating in a sustainability-related club, planning a  zero-waste event, conducting sustainability research, or simply recycling and composting your waste.

Although students regularly contribute to campus sustainability, we wanted to highlight several initiatives from the past year that contributed directly to Tufts’ sustainability goals. These goals are outlined in the 2013 Campus Sustainability Council Report and focus on the areas of waste, water, and energy & emissions. Progress in these areas is tracked regularly and is detailed in the annual Campus Sustainability Progress Report. The list below is by no means comprehensive, so we encourage you to check out the report on Tumblr!

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Call for Papers: Oxford Round Table

The Round Table will hold our 12th Annual International Conference on Environment, Global Warming and Climate Change during the dates of July 20 – July 23, 2016 at Harris Manchester College in the University of Oxford, Oxford, England. Harris Manchester College is one of the thirty-eight colleges that form the University of Oxford and was founded in 1786.

You are invited and encouraged to make a presentation and to provide a paper on a relevant aspect of the topic, however, your participation as a member of the Round Table is not contingent thereon. Those not presenting papers will be placed on a discussion panel. Papers presented at the Round Table may be subsequently submitted for publication in the Forum, a journal of the Round Table. Papers considered for publication in the Forum are evaluated by peer reviewers as to technical and substantive quality and for potential to make a significant contribution to new knowledge in the field.

For a list of relevant paper topics, please visit the Oxford Round Table website.

Abstracts Due: June 15, 2016
Apply Online
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