Day: May 11, 2016

Senior Sustainable Agriculture Manager, Ceres, (Boston, MA)

Ceres is a not-for-profit organization that partners with institutional investors, large companies, environmental organizations and other public interest groups, with the goal of mobilizing investor and business leadership to build a thriving, sustainable global economy.

The Senior Manager, Sustainable Agriculture is a full-time position, reporting to the Director, Food & Capital Markets. The Food and Capital Markets Initiative is a new multi-organization collaboration working to enhance the sustainability of key food supply chains. Ceres responsibilities as part of this program involve working with Ceres’ Investor, Corporate, NGO, and Policy partners.

Apply Online

The #MCBC2016 Countdown is ON!


There are just 4 days left ’til the 2016 MassCommute Bicycle Challenge!

Here’s how you can gear up:

Sign Up the new webinar:  “Bike Commuting Decoded” (space is limited, we recommend signing up in advance)

Just in time for MCBC, we’ve partnered with our friends at MassBike to host a free webinar on Thursday, May 12th from 12:00-1:00 to explore the nuts & bolts of bike commuting. If you, or someone you know is part of the 60% of Americans who are interested in bike commuting but feel too concerned to start, this is the event for you.
Learn from the experts and ask questions about how you can make biking a part of your daily commute, during Bike Week and all year round!

Nominate Someone (or yourself!) for a Wheelie Award!

The Wheelie Awards are a special way to recognize and honor cyclists who ride with a unique level of dedication and excitement. For example, do you know someone who rides their bike like a minivan? Nominate them for the Pack Mule Award! Know someone who fell in love while cycling? Nominate them for the Bicycle Love Story Award! You get the idea.

One winner will be selected in each of the following categories to win a special prize provided by the sponsor of that award ($200+ value!).  Award decisions are based on online written submissions, as well as accompanying photos and videos sent via email.

This year’s Wheelie Award Categories include:

…and last but not least…

Make Sure YOU (and/or your team) are Registered for the Challenge! 

If you registered for the Challenge in 2015, we still have all of your information. Just log back in with your email and password or click on the “Returning Users Login” button, and you’re good to go! If you are a new participant, or if you missed us in 2015, you will need to register through the MCBC website.

*Be sure to select “Tufts University” as your institution!

**If applicable, please indicate your employer in your registration settings so that the miles you log count towards your company’s totals!


On Social Media? Let’s Connect!
Facebook: @Masscommutebicyclechallenge
Twitter: @MCBikeChallenge
Instagram: @MCBikeChallenge

Join the 2016 Tufts Century Ride!

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce that this year’s Tufts Century Ride will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2016! Registration is now open through September 2nd.

The Tufts Century Ride is approximately a 100 mile bike ride open to the entire university community with stops on the Medford/Somerville, Grafton, and Boston campuses (i.e., Tufts Century). For those who prefer a shorter ride, there will also be route options available beginning at approximately 20 miles. In collaboration with the Tufts Cycling Team, the Tufts Century Ride is meant to provide a fun way for community members to connect, and a unique way to see our three campuses.

Register today! For more information contact or visit



Read our blog post on “Biking Resources at Tufts” for some great tips!

Volunteers, 23rd Annual South End Garden Tour, (Boston, MA)

On June 18th, the Trustees will be hosting the 23rd Annual South End Garden Tour in Boston’s South End. This tour is not only in support of the Trustees mission of sustainably preserving places of natural, scenic, and historic beauty but in support of our Community Gardens . The Boston Community Gardens provide a sense of community but also a sustainable source of food for many of Boston’s residents.

We are currently recruiting volunteers to support this year’s tour by serving as Garden Sitters, Registration Volunteers, and Membership Volunteers. The event is from 10am-4pm and is broken down into three, two hour shifts. We are also pleased to be able to offer a complimentary tour ticket to all of our volunteers.

Please contact Annie Wolf at or 617-542-7696 ext2127 if interested.

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Green Office Certification

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Green Office Certification

This semester, I was tasked with officially certifying the office space in the back of Miller, which houses the Office of Sustainability, Environmental Studies Program, Tufts Institute of the Environment, and grad students in the Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program, under Tufts’ Green Office Certification Program. What seemed at the time to be a huge undertaking was actually pretty painless once I sat down and organized the following steps for filling out and submitting the Green Office Certification Checklist.

  1. Fill out what you can first!

I first went through the checklist and picked out the credits that I could answer on my own—if our lighting is controlled by sensors, if we have lighting and water use prompts, whether the equipment is ENERGY STAR rated, the accessibility of recycling and compost bins in the space, the recycled content of our paper and letterhead, our copier double-sided defaults, our shared office supplies and dishware, etc.

  1. Make a survey to send out to your colleagues

After completing the credits I could on my own, I picked out the credits about departmental policies and individual behaviors. I then developed a survey to send out to everyone who works in our office space with these questions to measure their personal behaviors as well as their awareness of departmental policies. In order to make the experience of filling out the survey a little less inconvenient and annoying to my co-workers, I tried to make the survey funny and engaging. I sent it out with a deadline and continued to send reminders every few days leading up to the deadline. Once it came and went, I sent individualized emails to those who had not filled out the survey. I followed up with them several times until nearly everyone had filled out the survey.

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Signed Commitment to Uphold Green Office Values in the Back of Miller Office Space.

  1. Commit to sustainability and earn bonus points

At the bottom of the Green Office Certification Checklist is an extra-credit opportunity for colleagues to sign to commit to reducing their footprint and take actions included in the checklist. This not only earns the office extra points on the checklist, but it also helps to generate office buy-in and foster a feeling of responsibility and accountability within the office when it comes to making more environmentally sustainable choices. I placed the sheet for office members to sign in a central location in the office, our kitchen, where it is easily accessible and a frequent reminder to all in the office space. I also sent reminders to sign the commitment in all my emails starting with the original send-off of the survey.

  1. Talk to purchasing and commit to changes

Once our survey results were in, I reviewed them and determined where we stood with all the sections of the checklist. I was left with a few options to get us the extra boost we needed to level-up and earn Platinum Certification. I decided to talk to the person in charge of purchasing for our office space. He was on board and committed to buying only shade-grown or organic coffee for the office space to support environmentally and socially responsible companies, reduce our footprint, and make healthier choices for our colleagues.

Taking these steps to complete and submit our Green Office Certification made the process both simple and quick. Thanks to the help and cooperation of my colleagues, our space has been officially recognized with Green Office Platinum Level Certification.

If you’re interested in certifying your own office, you can learn more about the program and download our Green Office Resources ebook on the Office of Sustainability’s website.Get Your Office Certified