There are just 4 days left ’til the 2016 MassCommute Bicycle Challenge!
Here’s how you can gear up:
Sign Up the new webinar: “Bike Commuting Decoded” (space is limited, we recommend signing up in advance)
Just in time for MCBC, we’ve partnered with our friends at MassBike to host a free webinar on Thursday, May 12th from 12:00-1:00 to explore the nuts & bolts of bike commuting. If you, or someone you know is part of the 60% of Americans who are interested in bike commuting but feel too concerned to start, this is the event for you.
Learn from the experts and ask questions about how you can make biking a part of your daily commute, during Bike Week and all year round!
Nominate Someone (or yourself!) for a Wheelie Award!

The Wheelie Awards are a special way to recognize and honor cyclists who ride with a unique level of dedication and excitement. For example, do you know someone who rides their bike like a minivan? Nominate them for the Pack Mule Award! Know someone who fell in love while cycling? Nominate them for the Bicycle Love Story Award! You get the idea.
One winner will be selected in each of the following categories to win a special prize provided by the sponsor of that award ($200+ value!). Award decisions are based on online written submissions, as well as accompanying photos and videos sent via email.
This year’s Wheelie Award Categories include:
…and last but not least…
Make Sure YOU (and/or your team) are Registered for the Challenge!
If you registered for the Challenge in 2015, we still have all of your information. Just log back in with your email and password or click on the “Returning Users Login” button, and you’re good to go! If you are a new participant, or if you missed us in 2015, you will need to register through the MCBC website.
*Be sure to select “Tufts University” as your institution!
**If applicable, please indicate your employer in your registration settings so that the miles you log count towards your company’s totals!
Email: MCBikeChallenge@masscommute.com
On Social Media? Let’s Connect!
Facebook: @Masscommutebicyclechallenge
Twitter: @MCBikeChallenge
Instagram: @MCBikeChallenge
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