Centering under-served and historically marginalized populations on campus, this position will execute programming* (climate healing circles, wellness collaboration days with Berkeley Free Clinic and Tang, and planned meet-ups with Bay Area QT+ and BIPOC climate activists) that will support SERC BIPOC, Students of Color Environmental Collective (SCEC), and CNR Students of Color. Simultaneously, the position will reinvigorate SERC QTies and create QTies for Climate Justice, a student organization focused on the empowerment and wellbeing of Queer and Trans community members that are engaged in environmentalism. Outdoor education through camping and backpacking trips will be provided to these communities and will create space/opportunities for BIPOC and QT+ populations to reconnect with their communities through healing activities/reconnection with nature. These projects will be focused on empowering both undergraduates and graduates that are most vulnerable to the impending climate crisis and impacting the broader campus community through coalition building and resource sharing with similar groups across campus and in our surrounding communities. *Programs will be held remotely until further noted.
Applications will be available for review on: February 11, 2021.
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