Author: Caroline Ambros (Page 5 of 5)

Organizer, Impact (Denver, CO)


Apply today!

Impact is a non-profit project of leading advocacy organizations, including Environment America and U.S. PIRG, that creates the grassroots action and power it takes to make an impact on issues that matter. We’re hiring a team of organizers for a two-year program.

Organizers currently work in 25 states. We’re working with national campaigns to get our country to 100 percent renewable energy, reduce corporate agriculture’s pollution of our water, and end the overuse of antibiotics on factory farms.


What will you do with Impact? First, you’ll come together with other new and experienced staff from across the country to learn how to make your impact in classroom trainings on the issues, our campaigns, our strategies and the tactics you’ll be using throughout the year. Then, you’ll put those skills to use in the field.

Your campaign assignment will depend in part on where you applied to work and where you can make the biggest difference. For example, you might build the coalition that convinces a major restaurant to stop serving meat raised on antibiotics. Or you could organize the news event that convinces the governor in your state that switching to more renewable energy is an opportunity to be a hero with the public.

Even when there’s not a vote coming up, organizing helps build long-term power to secure victories in the future. By first educating people on an issue and then winning them over to our point of view, we lay the groundwork for political change. It’s challenging, fun and incredibly meaningful. We’re taking on big issues and we’re up against big adversaries. We run campaigns with concrete goals, detailed plans, rigorous training, and above all, a laser- like focus on results.


Every day with Impact is different. You could be connecting with new health or consumer groups to build a coalition to stop antibiotic overuse, speaking in a church basement or at a town hall meeting on 100 percent renewable energy, organizing a news event on water pollution from factory farms, or meeting with an editorial board about any of these issues.

During the summer, you’ll run a citizen outreach canvass—and have the power of a paid staff of college students and others ready to help you build support for an issue, recruit new members, and raise funds for the campaign. And you’ll recruit the next wave of Impact organizers and interns so we can continue to work on more campaigns. So if what you want to do after college is to join a team of people who bring their passion to work every day to make an impact on issues that matter, then we’re the group for you.


The target annual compensation for this position is $26,000 in the first year. Impact offers a competitive benefits package. We also offer an excellent training program and opportunities for advancement.


Impact is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, sex, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or veteran status.

Application Deadline: November 13th, 2016
Apply online

Fellow, Environment America (Boston, MA and Washington D.C.)

About the Job:

You know what needs to be done. America needs to move to 100% renewable energy, keep fossil fuels in the ground, ban pesticides that kill off bees and other pollinators, expand protections for our parks and wildlife, and more.

How can you win real results right now while getting us on track toward that green future? Consider being an Environment America fellow.

You might organize a town hall meeting on solar power. You might release a hard-hitting report on power plant pollution. You might build a coalition around clean water or fracking. You will build the organizational power- the funds, the membership, the activist base- that it takes to keep all of this critical work going for the long haul.

As an Environment American fellow, you think boldly but work hard- to create more solar and wind power, reduce global warming pollution, keep our parks permanently protected and in public hands, and protect our water from fracking and factory farms.

What You’ll Do: 

Research and write reports: Catalogue and analyze sources of carbon pollution in the United States. Detail the success of the Clean Water Act in our reports. Help us influence public debate and earn media attention for our cause.

Lobby elected officials: Discuss strategy with a champion in Congress. Make a convincing case to a legislator who is undecided on a particular vote. Work the “inside game” to complement our outside field operation, where most of our power is derived.

Build powerful coalitions: Reach out to small businesses, farmers, public health officials, unions and others to demonstrate broad-based support for our policy goals.

Generate traditional media and social media attention: Organize news conferences and write opinion pieces. Maintain presence on Facebook and Twitter for your campaigns. Work to shine a spotlight on our issues.

Run citizen outreach campaigns: Direct citizen outreach offices. Hire and manage a staff of 20 canvassers, raise money, build our  membership and help win one of our key campaigns.

Identify and cultivate donors: Reach out to foundations and major donors and ask them to fund our work to fight global warming, ban fracking and protect our most spectacular natural areas.

Pay and Benefits:

The target annual compensation for this positions is $26,000 in the first year. Environment America offers a competitive benefits package. We also offer an excellent training program and opportunities for advancement.

To learn more and apply:


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