Category: Career (Page 23 of 195)

UEPodcast Co-Producer, Tufts UEP (Remote)

Do you have an interest in podcasting and a desire to practice the skill? Join the UEP communications team to help out with our latest endeavor—the UEPodcast! Launched in February, the UEPodcast serves as an extension of the Practical Visionaries blog. The goal is promote collaboration and co-creation across UEP’s networks, with participation from students, faculty members and alumni! Your role would involve supporting the release of two episodes per month. Responsibilities include:

  • Soliciting episodes and episode ideas from the UEP community
  • Producing some episodes yourself
  • Supporting community members in making their own episodes
  • Managing the release of episodes and blog posts to the Practical Visionaries blog
  • Collaborating with the rest of the communications team to ensure cohesion across all of UEP’s communications efforts. 

You don’t need to be a podcasting whiz – just someone with the interest and desire to learn! This role will require about 5 to 10 hours per week. Send applications to

Position found on March 15th, 2021.

Union Square Community Design Team (multiple positions), Design Studio for Social Intervention (Somerville, MA)

Do you live, work or play in Union Square? As Union Square goes through a redesign of their plaza and streets, we want community members to have a say! We’re looking for a diverse group of 8-10 folks (from different backgrounds, ages, languages, etc.) who want to collect, share and imagine new ideas for Union Square’s plaza and streets. The Community Design Team will be responsible for talking to people (a lot), listening to people (a lot), bringing people to fun events and meeting with designers to share the important vision of community members. Part-time paid position, approximately 4-5hrs/wk, $20/hour, approx. 1 year 

Application deadline: March 26th, 2021.

NWF EcoLeader Fellowships- Multiple Positions, National Wildlife Federation (Various locations/Remote)

National Wildlife Federation EcoLeader Graduate Student Fellows help to educate and engage the EcoLeaders community through dedicated research projects. Monetary fellowship grants are awarded to graduate students working with National Wildlife Federation staff on research that helps to expand the content and development of the EcoLeaders program to help college students and recent graduates to use project-based learning to develop their environmental leadership and sustainable career goals. EcoLeaders Fellows join a national network of current and alumni fellows, many of whom have gone on to lead new businesses, agencies, and programs for sustainability all across the U.S.

NWF is currently accepting applications for three graduate student fellowships:
– Zero Waste and Plastic Pollution Graduate Student Fellowship, 1 fellowship available
– EcoLeader Graduate Student Fellowship, 2 fellowships available

Applications are due by April 21st, 2021.

Research Internship, Local Enterprise Assistance Fund- LEAF (Boston, MA)

The Local Enterprise Assistance Fund (LEAF) seeks a researcher to help identify financing vehicles/mechanisms that can effectively support the work of Community Land Trusts (CLTs) in the Greater Boston area in their goal to acquire and preserve permanently affordable housing. CLTs represent a unique tool for providing affordable housing, as they aim to hold land and preserve its affordability in perpetuity. The number of CLTs in Greater Boston has grown in recent years, as they gain recognition and popularity among community groups seeking solutions to Boston’s housing affordability crisis. However additional resources are needed for these CLTs to scale their housing portfolios. Pay is $25-35 per hour. Please contact Penn Loh ( with any questions or to explore interest.

Position found 3/8/2021.

Part-time Summer Water Quality and Ecology Internship, Neponset River Watershed Association (Canton, MA/Remote)

The Neponset River Watershed Association is looking for two enthusiastic interns, late spring through summer of 2021, with an interest in watershed sciences, water quality, and/or freshwater ecology.  The interns will work in close collaboration with the Association’s River Restoration Director, Environmental Science Fellow, Executive Director, and community volunteers and will receive hands-on experience with environmental science field work, lab work, and project management. The interns will help with all aspects of our volunteer water quality monitoring programs  and our brook trout habitat suitability project. This work will provide the interns experience with preparing sampling materials and supplies, field work, data management, laboratory sample analysis, and volunteer coordination. The interns will also assist with planning and coordination for the 2021 Fall Neponset River Cleanup.

Position found 3/8/2021.

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