Category: Food (Page 11 of 14)

Aug 11-19: Suburban Permaculture Design & Leadership Course, Common Circle (Eugene, OR)

Join an unforgettable program in leadership, permaculture and sustainable design in Oregon with the world’s most renowned instructors and change your life, your community and your planet.  Not only do Common Circle Education courses offer the most complete curriculum of any similar program, but the people who come to the programs make this the most powerful training offered anywhere.

Gain cutting-edge skills in nature-inspired sustainable design that’s applicable virtually anywhere design is used — from green businesses to your own back yard.  Visit ecovillages, organic farms, the nation’s first biofuel station (ever seen a gas station with solar panels and a green roof selling kombucha? ;), while spending two weeks with some of the most inspiring people around!

During the workshop, we will talk about:

* Smart nature-inspired design principles
* Rainwater catchment and storage
* Greywater – smart water re-use with plant filters
* Food forests & garden design for food abundance
* Eco-psychology and Regenerative Leadership
* Intentional community design and dynamics
* Bio-remediation and toxic waste cleanup
* Natural building design – cob, strawbale and more
* Soil biology and regeneration
* Sustainable transportation and fuels
* Green business and sustainable economics
* Natural patterns and principles
* Everything you ever wanted to know about plants and soil!

We’re thrilled to announce the availability of a limited number of scholarships for our upcoming Urban Permaculture & Regenerative Leadership training in August.
Permaculture Design & Regenerative Leadership Course – Aug 11-19th
Tuition co-pay with scholarship:  $1000 (regular price: $3000!)
-> Discount code:  AUGUSTSCHOLARSHIP (only valid for august course)

We’re making ONLY TEN of these need-based scholarships available
first-come-first-serve.  Just sign up online, and if the system
accepts your credit card information with the code, you’re in.

Common Circle Education is the nation’s ecological design and
sustainable living school with courses in Oregon, Hawaii and
California; our instructors are some of the most well-known
leaders in sustainability, organics and permaculture design.

It’s Earth Week! What are you doing to celebrate?

Earth Week has finally arrived! Are you ready to celebrate the beauty that surrounds us and attend some awesome events? This week is stock-full of exciting programs, lectures, conferences, and festivals all focused on one topic: our earth and how we can keep it (and us) healthy!

While there are events throughout the week, the main Earth Day event on campus,Tufts Sustainability Collective‘s annual Earth Fest, will be held on Friday, April 20th from 1-5pm on the Academic Quad! Stop by to partake in fun eco-friendly activities including a clothing swap by the Eco Reps, a Student Action Squad BYOShirt tie-dye; a composting workshop; plant-your-own seeds by Tom Thumb’s Garden, and of course delicious free food! There will be live music and a wide variety of info booths. Come one, come all – let’s have some outdoor fun learning about and celebrating the earth!

Set aside some time for your planet this weekend, whether you attend the Tufts Energy Conference, go to a screening of YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip, or listen to Professor Moomaw’s lecture on climate change. Should none of these events catch your eye, just take a step outside and enjoy nature’s springtime splendor – you just might be inspired to “green” your life.

Anne Elise Stratton

Communications Intern, Tufts Office of Sustainability


P.S. Don’t know how you’re going to keep this multitude of environment-related events straight? Luckily, we’ve added them all to our Environmental Calendar, located on the Office of Sustainability website. The front page of our website and our blog also have detailed event information, as always.

Apr 11: Inequalities of Class and Race in the Sustainable Food Movement

Who really benefits from local, organic, sustainable, grass-fed, free range, and GMO-free food?

DATE: Wednesday, April 11, 2012
TIME: 12:00-1:15pm
LOCATION: Crane Room, Paige Hall

Please join Food for Thought and Tom Thumb’s Student Garden for a presentation and discussion with acclaimed Professor Julian Agyeman, Chair of the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University.  We’ll explore how the growing movement and public attention toward sustainable food and agriculture perpetuates inequalities in the food system today.

Food will be provided. 

Apr 20: Earth Day on the Greenway

Celebrate Earth Day with all of Boston!

Friday, April 20, 2012, 11am – 1pm

Location Dewey Square Park (Summer St & Pearl St)
Summary Celebrate Earth Day while learning about sustainability and organic practices through free, fun, family activities in Dewey Square Park.

Join the Greenway Conservancy staff, YouthBuild Boston, North Bennett Street School and the EPA as we showcase the new Dewey Demonstration Gardens. In addition to learning about raised beds, rain gardens and composting, you can visit with representatives from Boston Natural Areas Network, WalkBoston, the Boston Tree Party and our own Green and Grow program. We’ll have interactive music making with the Ecology of Sound, face painting, games for kids and adults alike and great food from our resident food trucks. There’s also a rumor that the EPA volunteer band, the Hazardous Constituents, might make an appearance!

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