Category: Ideas (Page 20 of 24)

April 19: “Yert” Film Screening

When: Thursday, April 19th at 7:00pm

Where: Olin 11

Called to action by a planet in peril, three friends hit the road—traveling with hope, humor, and all of their garbage—to explore every state in America in search of the extraordinary innovators and citizens who are tackling humanity’s greatest environmental crises.

Click here for more information on the film. Here’s the trailer:

Sponsored by CMS and the Environmental Studies Program.

April 4: “Defending Eden” Film Screening

When: Wednesday, April 4th at 7:00pm

Where: Tisch 304

Join the producer of Prehensile Productions, as we screen the trailer and other clips from the in-production film, Defending Eden. She will talk about the linked issues of filmmaking, environmental impact and preservation of indigenous cultures. They welcome student feedback on the directions the film should take during its development. Sponsored by CMS, ENVS, and the Department of Anthropology.

Click here for more information on the film.


Mar 31: The Future of Food and Nutrition Student Research Conference, Friedman School, Tufts University



The Future of Food and Nutrition: A Multidisciplinary Research Conference
March 31st, 2012 in Boston, MA

The Future of Food and Nutrition Student Research Conference, held annually for the past five years, is a unique venues for graduate students across disciplines from around the country to submit and present original research relating to the food system and/or nutrition science.

Last year, over 200 graduate students came together to hear students from 28 universities present research from fields as diverse as anthropology and nutritional epidemiology.  As a presenter or attendee, you will gain valuable professional experience presenting and discussing novel, multidisciplinary research. You will also network with your colleagues – future leaders in the field. Relevant research includes projects conducted as part of thesis work, internships, capstone papers or directed studies.

This year’s theme is 7 Billion Strong: Approaches to Feeding the World. Check out the promotional poster!
Early Bird Registration: $25 until March 16, 5pm
($35 after March 16)

Expert panel featuring:
Sivan Yosef (IFPRI)
Thomas Forster (The New School)
Michael K. Doane (Monsanto)

To learn more about this great opportunity or to REGISTER, see the conference’s website here. Early Bird Registration ends tomorrow. Don’t miss the chance to register at a lower price!

Mar 12: The Legacy of Love Canal: Environmental Justice and Social Change

March 12, Lecture: 12:00 pm, Eaton 206;
Film Screening: A Fierce Green Fire, 7:00 pm, Barnum 008, Medford Campus

Featuring Lois Gibbs, the Executive Director for the Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) and Stephen Lester, the CHEJ Science Director as they talk about environmental activism and the media. Sponsored by the Center for Media Studies (CMS) and the Environmental Studies Program (ENVS). That same evening, they return to campus to screen the film A Fierce Green Fire. Visit for more information on the film.

Mar 6: “Networking in the Non-Profit World” with Drew Love

Tufts Food For Thought Presents: Networking in the Non-Profit World
Tuesday, March 6th at 8:00pm in Barnum 114

Looking for a meaningful job experience?
Want to learn how to network with nonprofit professionals?

Come and learn how with Drew Love!

Drew Love is a BU alum who has found his passion working for
non-profits and social enterprises dedicated to creating sustainable
and fair food systems. Drew is the marketing assistant at the Public
Conversations Project, the Food Access Pilot Project coordinator for
Northeast Organic Farming Association, and the social media consultant
for Dean’s Beans.

Drew’s discussion will be followed by a Q & A session. Refreshments from Danish Pastry House will
be served!

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