What’s the fastest way to get from Davis Square to Kendall Square? Join three local celebrities as they “race to work” using three modes of transportation (bikes, cars, and the T). Stop by the start, come along for the ride, or stop by the finish. Light refreshments anf good times provided at both ends.
We’ll start the festivities at Redbones in Davis Square at 7:45, with the race kicking off at 8:30 AM. We expect to arrive at Genzyme (500 Kendall St) between 8:45 and 9:15.
This event is being organized by Livable Streets, the Somerville Bicycle Committee, and the Cambridge Bicycle Committee. For more information, http://livablestreets.info or events@livablestreets.info. 617-621-1746. The event is being sponsored by Genzyme.
Come join us for a free bike commuter breakfast on your way to work on Wednesday May 16!! The breakfast will be held in the parking lot of the Somerville Star Market on Beacon St near Petsi’s Pies. The event is sponsored by the Somerville Bicycle Advisory Committee (http://somervillebikes.org) with refreshments provided by Star Market and Petsi’s Pies and free bike check-ups provided by Bike Boom. Stop by and chat with members of the Bike Committee and fellow cyclists and advocates. Rain date is Thursday May 17.
Contact information: Ken Carlson kencarlson8@gmail.com 617-909-3150
Join MassBike for the annual worldwide Ride of Silence in honor of bicyclists killed or injured riding on public roads, and raises awareness among drivers to be more careful around bicyclists. We will gather in Seven Hills Park (behind Davis Square T Station) at 6:30pm to get organized. The ride will start at 7pm sharp. We will ride 6.8 miles slowly and silently through Cambridge and Boston to Boston Common. Please RSVP to rides@massbike.org so we know how many riders to expect. If you would like us to honor a particular cyclist at the end of the ride, please send us his or her name. Helmets required, lights strongly recommended.
The Somerville Bicycle Committee and Somerville Historic Preservation Commission team up to lead a bicycle tour of Somerville’s parks.
Many of them used to be something other than parks. Ride with us to learn more.
We’ll meet at 2 pm at Somerville City Hall, leaving promptly at 2:15. The 8-mile ride will go at an easy pace with several stops, and should be finished by around 4:30.
Please bring a $3 donation to support the activities of the Somerville Historic Preservation Commission.
A tentative map of our route is at http://g.co/maps/kyuzt.
For more information, contact rnewman@thecia.net.
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