It’s that time of year again when students begin looking at their belongings and wonder how they managed to drag so much stuff home last spring… and how they could possibly stuff it all back into boxes to bring back to school.
Move-in (as well as move-out) days may cause people to act less sustainably than they otherwise would. More items tend to get cast aside, left behind and thrown out because it might seem easier to buy new things upon arrival than transport them.
The Tufts Office of Sustainability has put together the Quick and Easy Steps to Moving in Green, a guide for anyone who is changing abodes. For instance, it encourages individuals to reuse or buy once-used furniture rather than buying new. Not only does this cut back on cost, but it saves resources and energy. If one cannot avoid buying new rather than used items, consider buying Energy Star® rated products. Other green move-in tips include:
- Bring reusable containers, utensils, water bottles, mugs, etc. to reduce waste and save money
- Save trees and reduce pollution by purchasing recycled content paper and notebooks.
- Exchange inefficient incandescent light bulbs for efficient CFLs. Light bulbs can be exchanged at the Tufts Office of Sustainabilityduring orientation, or through your Eco Rep-in-Residence, FOR FREE!
Visit our website for the complete guide for a Greener Move-In.
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